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While being inside my office, I was working on files for some of my clients when a new client came inside.

Julie Hoppins. She was a fourteen year old girl who is a cancer survivor, but she's still suffering from bullying inside school. In addition, like Dave, she's paralyzed. I hope that helping her cope with her own issues, it can help me work with Dave when he's going through therapy.

Her mom began to wheel her inside and sat in a chair in front of my desk. Getting up and stretching out my hand, I shook both of their hands.

"Hi Mrs. Hoppins, how are you? And you must be Julie. I'm Parker Hardware, but you guys can call me Parker," I gave a soft smile.

"Oh sweetie call me Helen, no worries," shaking my hand, her eyes turned towards my diplomas on the wall and other certificates.

"You've done so well for yourself! Wow, look Julie, you can be just like Parker too, just keep working hard."

I noticed Julie was looking around my office before back at her mom.

"Mom, I want to be a writer not a therapist..no offense."

I shook my head, "Oh no problem..I took a couple writing classes in college and English wasn't so bad. What do you like to write?"

"Nothing but foolishness if you ask me," Helen rolled her eyes while folding her hands.

Julie looked down not wanting to answer.

"Uh..no need to worry, we'll get to that answer at some point. Helen, do you mind giving us a moment?"

Raising up her hands, her eyes widen before grabbing her purse and heading towards the door.

"I'll be at TJ Maxx if you need me, you have your cell," opening up the door, she walked out and lightly closed it behind her.

Turning my attention back to Julie, the clipboard was on my desk and I was ready to take notes. Already, I fell as if Helen has something to do with her daughter's conflicts. Now, time to get down to business.

"How are you feeling today Julie?"

"I'm okay, just wished my mom didn't have to be so controlling."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Controlling?"

"Yeah, you saw her saying that I should be a "therapist," it's not what I'd want to be and she knows that. Every time she sees someone doing well, she'll try to force their accomplishments on me and try to make it seem like I need to be the number one daughter in the world."

Listening to her speak, I took a moment to write down some notes.

"Do you ever try to tell her how you feel?"

"I don't talk about my feelings to her because she'll say I'm just going through a phase. Ever since I got over cancer, it's like she doesn't even care about me unless it has to do with my physical therapy on my legs."

"Aww honey, I'm sorry. My boyfriend got into an accident last night and he's paralyzed from the waist down too. How long have you been in therapy?"

"Four months and it feels okay. At first, you'll want to try and force it all at once, but you have to be patient. I can wiggle my toes, but it hurts to try to move my legs. Doc says it's going to take a year to recover, but I want to try to heal faster."

I smiled at her, "You are a true warrior, you know that? You beat cancer's butt and now you're slowly recovering from being paralyzed. You can do this and I believe in you. My next question is, why are you here?"

"Thank you Parker, no one's ever said that to me before..makes me feel good inside. I'm here because whenever I go through tough days at the therapy sessions, I just get extremely depressed and mom thinks it's best if I talk to someone about my feelings. She NEEDS to talk to a therapist if you ask me," I could hear her mumble the last statement.

"Why does your mom need to see a therapist?"

She turned her head not wanting to speak, "It's nothing."

I nodded in understatement.

"How's school?" trying to refrain myself from making her uncomfortable, I changed the subject.

"It's okay, I don't like it, but we all have to do it right?"

"I mean yeah, but you need an education to succeed in life. You say you want to be a writer, are you taking honors classes in English? I'm pretty sure the school has other classes you can take as electives to help you towards your degree. to be a writer you'd have to major in Broadcast & Journalism. Maybe we can go through and see what qualifications needed to major in that specific area."

Smiling bright she shook her head, "I would love to look that stuff up. I have only taken one honors English class since I'm only a freshman and we didn't have those options in middle school."

Nodding my head, I wrote down more notes before coming to a realization. She just needs guidance, there's no mental issues wrong with her..at least for what I don't know yet.

"Do you take any type of medication?"

"Only for my therapy and asthma."

Once again, my pen went to work on the paper.


We continued to talk for what seemed like two additional hours before her mother came to get her. Julie is a nice girl, nothing like my other clients, but she's the third young client I have. My other clients would be Jasmine and another new client who I have yet to meet.

I've been doing work from home and haven't gotten a chance to physically meet him. Even when I'm at the office he doesn't come in for his appointment. If he doesn't come in today, I'll have no other choice but to write a warning referral. Being only nineteen, I hope he's okay and not in any trouble.

Typing up Julie's report, I realized that I worked over my lunch break and I have to wait on my new client to show up. Kentrell Gaulden. I swear if he doesn't show up, I'm calling it a day and going home cause ion got no time for it.

Getting up from out of my chair, I went out of my office going towards Stan's office, to only notice he was with a client. Damn, I'm running out of paper in my printer and I need more. Heading towards the lounge room, I noticed Josh was in there making a cup of coffee, but I ignored him opening up a lower cabinet to see stacks of printer paper.

"Need some help?"

Hearing his voice made me buck my head up underneath the counter.

"Shit!" slowly, I moved my head up underneath the counter before turning towards him.

He helped me up off of my feet looking down at me.

"You good?"

Rolling my eyes, I flinched away from him, "I'm fine."

He grabbed my arm slowly, "Parker please! I can't take back what happened in the elevator, but I can try to be a better friend to you. Val's baby shower is next week, please come on the behalf of Dave."

I sighed looking up in his eyes, "Okay, I'll come, text me the address,"

A brief smile came across his face and I returned the favor walking out the room and back towards my office.

There he was, Kentrell with a big ass pistol on the side of his pants. Oh hell nah, ion know if I need to call security or try to do my job and get this money.

"Don't worry, ain't nobody trynna shoot ya ass," he rolled his eyes as I began to walk slowly towards my desk.


"That's what's on the paper ain't it? Nah, but I go by Youngboy, ya dig?"

I nodded my headed before going to make new notes."

Lord help me.

Y'all I spiced it up for y'all do tell me what you think! Two chapter in one day, I'm improving on time management so be proud of me❤️ Hopefully NBA ain't too much of a hassle. Parker and Josh are now slowly becoming friends, but she better tell Dave about that kiss cause..he a little crazy crazy! I like Julie so far, she seems okay, for now. See you in the next chapter😘

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