chapter 63

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                         The tension was readable,  as Edda decended from her horse behind them. She put on an extra pair of gloves, and covered her head with her hood before walking off the path into the frosty woods, on the edge of the scorching regions.
The entire squad turned to Kelvin after she disappeared into the trees. 
"on a scale of one to ten,  how pissed is she" Kelvin asked raising a brow
" seven hundred" Aureathria replied.
Kelvin sighed at this words. He and turned to Marcus, who just went
"nope,  not interfering in this one" moving his gaze to the burning regions up ahead.

Kelvin then began dragging himself to the woods,  hoping to create enough time to make up something to say before he encountered her.
After walking for a while without picking up her scent, he increased his pace,  wondering why on earth she went really deep into the woods in such extreme conditions.
Unconscious of the moment he broke into a run. He then was able to pick up her scent, which he followed till he came to clearing,  where she stood a few meteres up ahead, backing him.

He circled around to her side,  to catch a glimpse of her face, but she stopped by hurling a dagger at a tree ahead of him.
"not a step further " she warned.
"Edda I didn't mean for you to find out this way" he paused immediately he had begun, to give her room for a response,  but she didn't speak.
" I intended to meet you at sea, in a couple of days, I had no idea you were going to come this way"
Edda still didn't respond.
"would you please say something "
"do you even hear yourself Kelvin ; you had a plan to find your father and you couldn't share that with me, do you have any idea,  how much that hurts "

"don't you get it, I can't bring you into harms way,  "
The memories of Aureathria's counseling came to her after she heard these words, but she didn't still see that as an excuse either.
"why would you even put yourself in such dangers, knowing, how much you mean to us,  to me"
"you above every one should understand how important this was for me,  tell me you wouldn't want to give anything to see your mother again "
That sentence silenced Edda completely,  or so it appeared,  until Kelvin spoke up again.
"I was only trying to find my family "
"I thought you already had" she retorted,  with glassy eyes,   stormed off to pick her dagger,  and walked out of the clearing, leaving Kelvin without the courage to follow after her.

Mentally exhausted he dropped to the snow and sat against a tree, taking heavy breaths as a result of the cold.
"you know son... " Alwin popped in from behind.
"... Like I said earlier,  I made a lot of mistakes in my time" he said taking a seat next to him.
"the one I regret the most is not taking you and leaving with your mother "...
"why are you telling me this Kelvin inquired,  not even giving him the courtesy of a glance.
"what I'm trying to say is,  whatever is worth having is worth fighting for"
Kelvin pondered on that sentence for a bit,  then Alwin broke it down
"its no secret you care about Rothgar's daughter, you care about her way more than anyone out there, but there's comes a time in a man's life,  on his path to destiny,  where he encouters a thing as precious as this... Never loose it Kelvin,  knowing you are loved by someone and that, that someone loves you back,  that's what makes life worth living ".

"so, what are you waiting for, go get her" he urged.
Kelvin looked down and sideways at his father. You don't know Edda,  when she gets mad,  no one,  and I mean no one can calm her down.
"no one...  No one but you " Alwin replied, before returning to the others.
Kelvin thought deeply over the words his father had spoken, torn between waiting for her,  and going to get snubbed,  he sat there for longer minutes, till the words came to him again
" what is worth having,  is worth fighting for" accompanied by his happy memories with her,  plauging his mind. He got up,  and went in search of her again.

He soon found her her again,  this time, in the hot regions,  staring at the tree in the distance.
He sat by her on a log of wood,  with quite amount of space between them.
The silence passed between them for a bit,  as Kelvin was finding it difficult to find start his speech.
Then a thought came to him,  to free up his thoughts,  and speak to her,  like he did  usually did. it was hard at the moment,  but he worked on it.

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