Chapter 45: The Prophecy

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Happy new year folks...


A long silence filled the air as they stood watching each other, waiting for someone to speak first.
"what's going on here" Kelvin asked
" i was fixing to ask the same thing " Mia replied
" yea what's with the face, found anything yet? " Ava added.
" well we might have stumbled on something " Kelvin replied flipping the pages over.
" what was it " Ava a inquired anxiously.
" i really doubt this is what we are looking for though " Edda said
" this one says, it's a demon... A demon that afflicts men in their sleep "
" that isn't something that deserves to be sealed with such effort"

"i thought so too, then i read a bit more " Kelvin began" it can possess the mind of its victim and control him in the physical realm."
"that's it? " Ava asked. Kelvin nodded his response
" that's not very convincing" Mia chipped in... That still doesn't justify such a sealing ritual.
"what's it called " Mia inquired
" INCUBUS" Edda whispered
The pages of the open book with the glowing pages in the chambers, began to flip quickly immediately she said these words.

Every one turned to look at it as it rose from the alter where it lay, and was floating in the air, then a Yellow glow surrounded it forming a set of bony fingers under the book, and a skeletal structure of a warrior king, holding the book up as if to read it.
They hadn't even realized their hands were on their weapons, till the ghostly creature looked up at them, causing them to draw their weapons at it.
It maintained its gaze for a bit, then returned its gaze to the book.

"cursed be the day that the book of fate be read again... " it began with a number of masculine echoing voices.
" for twelve shall leave, yea... Twelve shall cross the great sea
better shall it be for a woman in travail than for those that will
Seek the darkness that consumeth all that liveth and breathet.
For Anguish, sorrows and damnation await the ones chosen to fulfill the Task of death itself.
" Few shall see it... Even fewer shall return, for they will not overcome
But will surely die.... "

" oh my God its the prophecy " Ava whispered, as her heart battered against her rib cage in fear, causing her to involuntarily sink to the ground.

" enough " Kelvin barked at the ghost, " that's enough " he repeated only to catch a boot in the leg by Edda,
" don't draw it's attention to us" she whispered, barely moving her lips
"cant u see its cursing us" Kelvin whispered back
"no its not " Ava said looking up at them
" what are you talking about " Mia asked
" I've come across this before "

" The sorceress is right, i course ye not, death is your destiny and fate has spoken, for only at the hand of the WOLFKING shall the DARKNESS meet its end, The Darkness... Even INCUBUS "

It concluded and disappeared dropping the book back on the alter. They all exchanged glances after this observing a grave silence for fear that the the Ghost could return again, except Kelvin who walked over to the book to close it up for good.

Ava yell at him not to but was a second too late. He touched the book with both hands and it zapped him back into a book shelf far in the corner, knocking him unconscious.

The entire squad had surrounded him when he opened his eyes, all wearing relieved expressions. His arms hurt, so he took of the arm guards to reveal a pair of freshly burned sigils in both arms. He couldn't touch them, as they hurt badly.
He looked up and saw Edda with a puzzled expression in her face.
"what...? It burns" he explained
"what burns "she asked, looking more confused, the others too looked confused, but Ava who had her eyes fastened on his arms.
To avoid much deliberation Kelvin changed the topic and got up on his feet, but didn't put the arm guards on.

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