some fresh air

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I didn't saw Michael until the next morning, there was something odd about him, his usual look of superiority was missing. Probably something went wrong yesterday with the cooperative, I didn't know how to approach him like this, I mean it was never easy talking to him but right now it looked like he was deciding whether to hit someone or continue playing it cool.

"Hi" I said finally breaking the silence, I was a little scared to talk to him, but not doing it at all seemed like a worst scenario.

"Good morning" he just simply replied.

I didn't know what to do know, we were having breakfast without saying a word to each other, he still had that mad face and I was tired of the silence and the lack of his usual inappropriate comments, so I decided to ask questions. I knew he wouldn't answer me because he always tried to avoid my questions, but at least this way I'll get a reaction out of him.

"So Michael, what shampoo do you use?" He looked so taken aback by my question that I almost laughed but I was determined to make him feel something before dropping the act, so I continued as he grew more and more confused.

"Is that your real hair?, how did it grow so much?, Is that  your natural color?", I was thinking of dying my hair blonde a week before you abducted me, but now I'm thankful because I would have completely ru-"

"Diza!" He shouted trying to maintain a straight face, but he lost and laughed in the end.

It was the first time I saw Michael laughing, like genuinely laughing. Due to him being the authority here I sometimes forgot that he is as young as I am, and he needs to relax once in a  while. The servants waiting as always on their spots had surprised faces but quickly changed back to a serious mood as Michael composed himself.

"Diza, of course this is my hair and I will say no more about this, now eat because today we are practicing transmutation and I have a feeling that you are really going to suck at it."

Now I was offended, I didn't know what he was talking about but I was sure that I couldn't be that bad. Now at least Michael seemed more relaxed and I was able to eat.
As we walked to the ballroom we passed in front a big window that seemed to show a medium garden, I hadn't been outside in the last 3 weeks so I was really hoping that Michael will allow me to go outside at least once more before the bombs dropped and we had to live underground forever.

"Michael", I said softly as we were about to enter the ballroom.

"Yes Diza?"

"Will you allow me to go out, even if it-"


"but why not?, I promise I won't go away"


"Michael please, just once more, please"

"No, and if you ask again the answer will still be no. You can see through the windows and that's enough for the moment."

I got mad, of course I got mad, I was simply asking to go out. I wanted to feel the fresh air and the sun on my skin for the last time, I wanted to see the stars and look at the moon. I meant it when I said that I wouldn't run away, I was now sure that Michael wasn't lying to me and something really bad was going to happen, so there was actually nowhere else for me to go.

He'd ruined my mood so during the practice I wasn't able to concentrate, and as a result we fought a lot. He was giving me orders and of course I didn't follow, and when I actually tried I got frustrated because of how hard it was. We spend most of the evening like that until he gave up on me and we went to have dinner.

We were now both quiet until Michael started telling me some advice to master transmutation, and as much as I appreciated it I was still sad because of him not allowing me to go out.

"Diza stop it", he said putting his fork down.

"Stop what?"

"Stop doing that face, you look like someone hit you or something. It bothers me so please stop it."

"Oh well I'm sorry that I make you unconfirtable but my face won't change, I've done everything you asked for, I've been concerned for you and I also have been practicing for god knows what and still you won't let me step outside to get some f¨king fresh air!, I am mad, and it isn't gonna change, so just live with it Michael."

He seemed to think about it and just nodded, "Okay then, take as long as you want to be upset about it but you are not going out."

I couldn't stand him anymore so I just left the table and ran to my bedroom, to be honest I was surprised that he didn't ordered me to go back and sit or  something, but instead he let me go. Maybe he was as tired of fighting as I was.

As I wated to finally feel like sleeping I looked through my bedroom window, there was not much to be seen, just a lot of trees and nowhere to go. I tried reading some spells and studying but it wasn't of much use either.

Later when the sun came down and it was somewhere around ten I guess I heard a knock on my door, and when I opened it I didn't expect to see Michael.

"Can I come in?", he asked from the doorframe.

It was something new for him to be asking for permission to do anything,  so I let him in. We were both now dressed in our pajamas but it didn't matter anymore, we had already spent some nights together while playing the piano, so I wasn't ashamed of him seeing me like this anymore. He sat at the end of the bed, and looked at me.

"Please put a jacket on and follow me Diza"

"Why do you want me to wear a jacket being around the house?"

"Just do it Diza, before I regret this."

I stood up and put the jacket on, then Michael told me to follow him. We turned into a hallway I didn't remember seeing before, then we  went down some stairs and Michael stood in front of a wall then turned to look at me.

"I'm not doing this because I care, I'm just doing this because I thought that maybe some fresh air might lighten your mood and help your get better at spells."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll acompany you outside for a moment."

Oh my god,  I couldn't believe it , I never thought that Michael was ever going to retract from anything that he ever said, and I was so happy that unexpectedly I hugged Michael. He seemed very uncomfortable and took a step back, and then he opened some kind of secret passage and led me outside.

Feeling the fresh air in my face was such a relief, I was so happy finally being able to feel the grass beneath my feet, and being able to breath fresh air while looking at the sky that I started turning and jumping around. When I turned back I noticed that Michael couldn't stop staring at me, like he had never seen someone that happy and there was something more in his eyes, I couldn't make up what it was but I felt connected to him. He came closer to me and I got closer to him, our eyes never leaving eachother, I wasn't one to lose a fight so I stood there, embracing our proximity and not running away.
"Thank you Michael" I said smiling softly.

"Your welcome Diza, I didn't know you would react mm that way"
"I've made a fool of myself I know but it's been so long since I went out that..., I don't know, I felt normal and free for a minute."
He came even closer to me and leaned into my face.

"You were never normal Diza, and you'll never be... and that's all right."
I don't know why I suddenly felt so lust, it was like a voice in my head whispered over and over again for me to get closer to him and just let go.

He seemed to notice my mood change so he leaned back and smirk a little as he said.
"Those thoughts of yours are so strong that I can already guess what you are thinking"
I felt so embarrassed, it wasn't like I liked Michael...,there's no way. I might be a little attracted to him!, I refused to accept it, obviously he was the one putting this toughts on my mind so I just decided to turn my back on him and continue looking at the stars. I made a silent wish at the stars, that after all of this passed may something good come ou of it.

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