I'm surrounded by idiots

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 I followed Venable upstairs, and she led me to a hallway until we reached a door.

"This is your new bedroom, and I hope we can discuss everything about your arrival before you settle in" she said turning to look at me, she opened a closet and showed me beautiful purple dresses.

"I see you are already wearing purple, so I assume your previous outpost had the same rules?" 

"Yeah, purple for the rich, grey for the servants"

"Not quite, but almost" she said with a grin, I knew she could tell there was something kind of odd with me, but it all could be masked by my innocent smile.

"So tell me, Diza, how exactly did you get here, and who told you to?" I decided to sit on the bed, to let her feel superior, to let her think she was above me, as I faked a confused look.

"Well, someone from the Cooperative said that we were all moving to this outpost, due to one of them already being outrunned and plagued with survivors of the bombs. I was one of the last ones to be sent, so I imagine that my former companions are already here"

"Well, not to be the carrier of bad news, but not a single soul has come since months ago"

"Oh my god! there must be a mistake, we were all to be sent here, oh my god"

"Relax, whatever happened be grateful that you are still alive" she said with a mischievous smile

"You're right miss, you're right. God bless their souls" I said looking up at the sky, wondering if maybe Satan was going to punish me for calling out for god.

"Well, you can settle in, or you can join them downstairs. We'll have dinner in an hour" was all she said before hitting her cane against the floor and leaving.

I let out a tired sigh and decided to change into something else, the way here had been a little exhausting and being inside those insufferable suits for so long was just torture, sweaty torture.

So I changed into a simpler version of the dresses I already owned, I'll have to wear purple for this two long months. The only red I had now was the ring Michael gave me.

I decided to join them, I already knew almost everything about them, but I figured that getting to talk to them would be interesting for a while.

I walked downstairs and followed the voices, I heard -the morning after- playing in the background and smiled slightly, knowing who had ordered to play this song over and over again.

"Where the f*ck did you come from?" The girl I knew as Coco asked in disbelief.

"I was sent here, supposedly everyone from my outpost was supposed to arrive here too, but I don't know what happened to them" I said just turning around and trying to look everyone in the eye.

There were less people than I remembered from the files I read before, so I decided to make some questions.

"What about you? is anyone new around here or have you always been this group?"

"There used to be more, but they ate him" a guy said from the corner of the sofa, looking around him with hatred. It was shocking to say the least.

"What do you mean they ate him?"

"Are you dumb or what? they ate him! like it was f*cking pizza, they are monsters, all of th-"

"Oh come on Andre, how many times do we have to tell you that was just chicken?" and old woman asked from another sofa.

"You can lie to yourselves if you want to but I'm not buying it!" he stated before standing up and leaving, so Andre it is, at least a name that was in the files, and if he was here then Dina had to be here too. There she was, standing near the fireplace, probably wondering if that was what awaited her in hell.

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