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I got Amon out of the cage and slowly stood up, I knew they planed something but I wouldn't let them know that I found out.

"It was fun and everything guys, but I'm going" I said trying to walk to the door and leaving, but Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me back inside.

"Dear Diza, you're not going anywhere" he said with confidence. I would let them enjoy their fake victory for a while before I lashed out at them with my powers, still I was able to get Amon out of there.

"I haven't seen you in like a week, do you want to catch up guys?" I asked them, yanking my arm out of his grasp and walking to the center of the room.

"In fact Diza, we want something easier. You see, our friend Joey, was tortured and killed by your crazy friend. I heard his screams all the time he punished Joey, and then. Silence, eternal silence." Said Luke.

"He was a good friend of mine, and I just find it curious that Michael does anything that you ask him to" Now Matt spoke, walking closer to me.

"He doesn't answer to me, the only one he only ever follows orders is himself. Sorry to disappoint" I said with a chuckle. Were they trying to get me to order Michael to do something or what? They were just ridiculous and I was starting to get bored.

Luke walked right behind me and took my arms.

"Get off me, you both are disgusting, and your friend was a worthless piece of sh*t too" I said trying to push him away.

"Diza, Diza, Diza. An eye for an eye, isn't that what they say? Michael took our friend, so we are taking you" Matt said drawing a knife from his pocket.

I couldn't help but laugh at all this stupid situation, they thought they were going to teach Michael a lesson and punish me? they were crazier than I thought.

"Sure, was he your boyfriend or something Matt? you also seem to spend a lot of time with Richard. Were you cheating on any of them?" I asked him with a grin, and that made him really mad. He got closer and closer to my face and lifted his fist as if he was going to him me, but then stopped.

"Laugh all you want know, because the three of us are going to spend a lovely time together. At least Luke and I will enjoy it. After we are done with you, we will kill you" he said and again I laughed. I wasn't supposed to use my powers, or to tell them that I was witch, just because there wasn't a real need to.

But I wouldn't stay and listen to this crazy pair for another second.

I raised my body temperature in Luke's hands, and after a short while he screamed and let go off me.

"What are you doing idiot? you shouldn't let her go" Matt complained, and hit Luke in the back of the head.

"Come on, we're having fun" he said drawing a chair to where I stood, I tried to leave but Luke grabbed me in place.

I wanted to use my powers, I was really over them, but I couldn't. What the f*ck?, what is happening?

Luke forced me to sit on the chair, and I tried to fight back, I tried calling for my powers, anything would work, pyromancy, transmutation, even formulating a spell. But there was something blocking them, and I was starting to get scared.

My breathing accelerated, and my pulse too. As they tied my legs to the chair and my hands behind my back. I wanted so hard to hurt them with my powers, to hurt them in any way, to do anything. But this thing, I was unaware of was blocking me. I just tried to steady my breathing and show myself strong no matter how scared I was.

"So how do you want to spend time like?" I asked them, as they finished tying me and stood face to face to me.

"Well, you know. Michael had his fun, I think he probably hit Joey a little, he did cut it in front of us, I don't know how you manage to stay close to him, he's a monster. He enjoyed every second of his torture and when he finally killed Joey and then burned him, there was this grin on his face. He is diabolic, there's something wrong with him." Matt said with a scared face, as he recalled Michael.

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