Red is a sinful color

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Michael noticed my fear and sudden change of mood, and it almost seemed like he was happy to see me concerned.

"what did you see?"

"It can't be real... you must have tricked me... or I'm just too tired, but there is no way I just saw that."

"Diza tell me what you saw"

"The end, I saw the end of the world... exactly as you said it would be." It was impossible.

"marvelous, this is a really important progress, from now on you must practice your hydromancy and now I'll help you with the tarot cards."

It felt like hours and days had gone by, as Michael patiently explained to me many divination methods and surprisingly enough I had mastered 4 so far. 

"That's all for today, I want you to join me for dinner in half hour. Don't be late" He said standing up.

He just left me there wondering why was he interested in having dinner with me now, the past two days they had delivered the food to my room and I didn't know what to expect about this.

I walked to my bedroom feeling tired and bored, I was planning to just sleep and forget about the dinner when suddenly someone knocked on my door, it was weird because no one came to see me. I wondered if maybe it was Michael...

"Good night ms. Abelman, mr. Langdon send me to tell you that you must change into the fitting outfit for the dinner, he sent you this dress and he says that you can find another in that wardrobe." She pointed to the tall closet on the wall. " My name is Ana and from now on I'll be at your service."

She handed me the dress, it was a black dress that looked like it belonged to the victorian era, I would never understood what was langdons fetiche with that style.

 I wasn't just gonna say yes to everything he demanded me to do so I told Ana to go tell Michael that I wasn't going to get dinner unless I could wear something more comfortable. Ana didn't even try to cross Michael, she simply explained to me that if I didn't like that dress I should choose another and she will take me to the dinner table but there was no way she was "failing mr. Langdon", apparently she was too afraid of him.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes to take you to the dining room, please do not make anything stupid and hurry up."

 Given the fact that Michael was expecting me to wear the black dress I chose to go with a red one instead, the little things that I could still have a say in, I will take them and fight against him. Not long after I tried and fail to put the dress on, Ana was there to help me.

"you look really pretty even if this isn't what Michael sent you Ms. Abelman. Please follow me" she waited for me.

I already knew where the dining room was, from roaming around the house with nothing else to do, anyways I let Ana guide me. When I arrived Michael was already sitting at the head of the table, and there were all kinds of food placed above it. 

"I see you chose red instead of black, red is the color of extremes did you know Diza?, it represents love, seduction, violence, danger and anger. Are you feeling ready to sin darling?" he said with a half smile on his face, "whatever the reasons were for you to choose that dress you look amazing, please take a seat." His intense blue eyes checked me upside down and he grin on his face was making me angry.

"I would have prefered a pair of jeans with a hoodie and some sneakers, but apparently you don't know what those are." I complained.

"There is a dresscode and you must follow it, the sooner you accept it the easier you'll find it, you might look outside this windows and remember the world you used to know, but in a few weeks there will be no sun left. Due to radiation we'll be moving to a safer place underground."

I hated him, I hated the way he acted and the way he talked as if the ending of the world and the human race didn't mean a thing, he almost looked like he was happy about it. I took a seat at the other side of the table and waited for the waitress to bring my food, I decided to be as noisy and  annoying as I could. Even if I had accepted that he wasn't gonna let me go, I was gonna make him hate me as much as I hated him.

"Michael, can I ask you some questions?" I broke the silence.

"Go ahead, I am curious to see what you want to know" he said and leaned back on his chair.

"When were you  born?"


"what do you mean by classified, that's a simple question, it's not like I'm going to abduct you or something."

"Still classified sorry", he said with a smirk, enjoying that I was getting mad.

"Well then, how old are you?"

"Also classified, but how old do I look to you?"

"There is no point in you letting me ask you things if the only answer you are going to give me is ClAssIfiEd, you look pretty old to be honest, you look almost dead." I said, of course it was a lie, he didn't look that old and he was certainly attractive but there was no way I was gonna tell him. He laughed when he heard my answer instead of getting mad as I expected.

"You are a great company my dear Diza, certainly I'm going to have a lot of fun with you around." That made me even more mad, not satisfied enough with holding me captive he now thought I would be his buffoon.

"I hate you, and until you let me go I will wait and scape at the first opportunity I have." I said standing from my chair and ready to go. But Michael blocked my way as soon as I began to walk, standing so close to me he was almost stepping over me, my face almost crashing with his chest.

"Diza, even if you try to run I will find you, and think about it, what would you do out there? , wait for the bombs? even if you told people about what is going to happen or if you find your aunt, you can't save them. They'll think you're crazy. There is nowhere to go. I think you are smarter than that and you will understand it sooner or later."

I don't know what happened, he was just making me anxious because I knew he was right, even if I scaped there was no point in doing anything. I felt the anger boiling inside of me and then a wave of heat, Michael looked surprised over the table and I didn't know why until I did the same.

The tablecloth was setting on fire, with a flick of his hand Michael turned off the fire and looked at me.

"Look at that Diza, you are discovering more of your powers, it would be a shame if you went out there, with no idea how to control them and you hurt yourself" he came closer to my ear "or others" he whispered.

"Tomorrow we'll continue with your lessons, so you can go to bed now. Goodnight Ms. Abelman" He graciously walked away.

He was unbelievable and I felt like he had no concept of personal space, if he was the only human I was going to have contact with for the rest of my life I was going to go crazy. Everytime he looked at me I could feel this darkness inside me, remembering me all the bad things I've done and it gave chills. There is something wrong about him for sure, and there was something wrong with for being attracted to him as much as I hated him. 

The image came to me only for a second but as I watched Michael walking away I had a vision or maybe it was just an idea, but I saw Michael licking my neck as I moaned, he had that little smiled I hated so much and then we kissed passionately. I don't know what happened, all I know is that Michael wasn't here anymore and that he must have planted that image on my head...or not?.

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