you don't know me

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The first thing that I noticed were soldiers, waiting in every corner of the room. I couldn't understand why we'll need them anyway. In front of the soldiers were two men, looking at Michael and me, they looked amused by Michael, well at least just one of them, the other didn't look so happy to see him.

I couldn't make out their faces because of the lighting, but as we were closer I got a better look. 

"Gentleman, let me introduce the wonderful Diza. Her powers will be a crucial part in all of this" Michael said pushing a little to stand in front of them. One of them walked around me, evaluating me, I felt horrible, like a piece of meat just there for their entertainment.

When he finally stopped Michael introduced them.

"This is Ariel and this is John" he said nodding at them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" I said not really knowing what else to do.

"I can feel the power in her Michael, good job" Said the one named Ariel, while john just nodded and gave me a devilish smile.

"Please let's take a seat" Michael said guiding us to the table.

My intuition told me I should sit next to Michael, who was sitting at the head of the table, so I was facing the other men. A servant moved the chair for me and placed a napkin on my legs.

"Have you already take a look outside Michael?" Ariel said, showing a little too much excitement for my liking. He gave me a bad feeling and I didn't know why. I was also nervous because of the soldier with their guns.

"I haven't had the pleasure yet, but I can imagine how it must look" He said with pride. 

The so called John looked as confused and disgusted by their conversation as I was. So he turned and talked to me.

"How old are you Diza?"

"I'll be nineteen in July"

"Interesting, you're so young" he kept that annoying grin on his face. I could see that Michael wasn't pleased with John's comments, his jaw tensing a little.

"John, did you have a safe trip here?" Michael asked taking his attention away from me.

"Yes indeed, people are going crazy but we took a shortcut here" 

"You should see it Michael, it's more than we dreamed about. Things are going perfect" What surprised me wasn't the man's words anymore but the look of happiness on Michael's face, pure joy. It made me sick.

Finally they bring us food, so I didn't have to hear another word from that man.

"We kept the best of the best for this outpost and ours, the rest will have enough resources for some months but eventually they'll have to eat those annoying cubes" Said now John, taking a bite of the steak.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, maybe I shouldn't have because all them turned their heads to me as if they had forgotten that I was there.

"Some vitamin filled cubs Diza, let's hope that you don't get the pleasure to eat them that soon" John answered giving me a little smile.

"Oh" was all I could say in response.

"Michael have you heard from Patrick?" Asked Ariel

"No I haven't is he okay?" Said Michael with most innocent and clueless look on his face, meanwhile I tried to remember who he was.

"The last thing we heard from him was that he was on his way to visiting you, but he never reported anything back. Are you sure you didn't met him?" Asked John looking suspiciously at Michael

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