the wedding

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Michael hugged me from behind and his big hands were placed protectively over my growing belly, we stared at our reflection on the mirror, a shy smile on my lips. Eve if just a month had passed since I found out about the pregnancy it was like I was four months pregnant, I wasn't sure if it was an advantage or disadvantage the way this supernatural baby developed, but I expected it since one day I got a vision from Michael's mom and the day he was born, it wasn't pretty. Every day I was afraid that something may harm this baby but apparently the charm was working, to be honest it was charged by three really powerful witches, or something like that so, it had to.

The only thing scaring me next to losing this baby was Michael's quick gain of force and powers, sometimes if he wasn't paying attention and he took my hand, he would tighten his grip one moment to another, almost cracking my fingers. He would always apologize, but he was having all types of problems controlling this new found force.

"Madison's coming to get you soon" Michael said

"I know... how much would you hate me if I just call off our wedding for tonight?" I asked half joking, half not.

"Well, you were the one who wanted to marry at midnight knowing how tired you've been lately, and I could forgive you... but the people won't" he chuckled and I threw my head back in exasperation. 

"I just wanted to make things more interesting, but now I wanna go back in time and punch me in the face" 

"It'll be over soon, and we can leave the party any time you want" he kissed my cheek.

"Thanks demon boy" I turned around and pulled him by the neck to kiss him deeply, we only broke apart when someone cleared its throat  behind us.

"You're gonna have a lot of time for that later, but I need the bride right now" Madison said faking she was mad, but I could see the smile trying to show on her lips.

She grabbed my arm and started walking me out of the room, I turned around one last time to look at Michael and smile.

"Taylor's already waiting at my room, she has the dress" her pace now slowing a little to catch up with me.

"I just hope I fit in"

"Oh come on Diza, you look great and that dress was designed exactly to fit you" she said putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Can you get hurry?" Taylor said appearing behind us and startling me.

"Why the hell would you do that? Taylor!" she was laughing at us.

"I'm sorry but you were taking to long, let's just all use our powers and make this quick okay?" she said

"I would've taken less time but they were eating each...other" Madison finished but Taylor was already gone.

"She's reckless now, isn't she?" I asked Madison proudly

"What have we done?" she joked with me

Then we both teleported to her bedroom. This month we got to know Taylow better and helped her with her powers, it was clear she wasn't a supreme and didn't have the potential to, but she was strong anyways and a good friend. And also, any witch has a hidden talent and hers was being pretty damn good at blood magic, lucky girl.

"Come on, we have less than an hour to get you ready" Taylor said rushing me to take a seat at the vanity.

"Wait, I need to put the dress on first" I said walking to the bed. A beautiful black velvet dress awaited for me, it had a V cut and crystals adorned the shoulders and most of the long skirt, it also had a belt like design to help my body fake a tiny waist.

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