one day left

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Michal had been absent for two days, and for those two days my friends had tried to convince me to stay. But I just, was restless, I was nervous and according to my vision Cordelia was just another day away from here. Wherever Michael had gone couldn't be so far, he had to come back now because I couldn't stand being the one to give orders around here.

I was just done with it, I had no idea the amount of things Michael has to normally do, but let me tell you, They suck. Mrs Langdon, could you check this plan? Mrs Langdon, Mrs Pierce wants to see you, she says she has advice and some complains and would like to have a word with you. Mrs Landon don't forget that at four you have to have lunch with Russia's governor... and so on and so on. 

Seriously, how could Michael stand doing all those things in a day? I decided I just couldn't do them at the same time and decided to try my luck with a complicated spell to make replicas of myself, other than that these two days I noticed that my belly grew a little too much, for a moment I wished it was because I gained weight, but when the doctor came to check up on me she said that right now the baby's development was like a seven month stage pregnancy, which only helped in making me more worried.

Right now Taylor, Madison and I were trying to put up some kind of seal on the sanctuary. They were aware of Cordelia's proximity and we decided that putting up this protection may be the only way to take some advantage of her.

Even if I tried I couldn't decipher how many people were joining her. So far I was sure that Zoey, Misty and Mirtle were with here, but there were still a couple of names and faces I couldn't recognize.

"I think we need Michael's energy too to make this work" Madison said with a frown.

"What are you talking about? just look at our hands, it's working" She looked at our intertwined hands and the powerful but harmless fire that covered them.

"Let's repeat the words one last time" I cheered them, so they followed me one more time. When we were done we took a minute to breath and let it go, I wasn't sure if the spell would hold up if Cordelia and whoever was with her tried to tear it down, but I was pretty confident.

I was walking towards Madison's bed when a cramp on my lower back made me stop, it was pulsing and I had to hold my breath to be able to keep standing, the pain blinded me for a second and I wasn't sure who helped me to the bed.

"What is it? are you okay?. Taylor, get the doctor!" Madison said while holding my hand. I was still holding my breath then took a deep breath out and tried to stop her.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. I just had a cramp, everyone calm down. I don't need the doctor, Taylor don't go" I told them in response.

"You don't look okay" Madison said

"Oh shut up, you neither!"

"How dare you?! Com-"

"Girls! shut up. It's no time for you to argue, Diza has many things to do today and if we're done with this spell then we must keep going. Now, up and out!" Taylor instructed us. Even if she was the youngest out of all of us, she often acted more mature. 

I used to be the mature one around here, when did that change? I wondered as we got out of the room and took separate ways. I walked with my hands rested on my hips, a little on my lower back and concentrated on taking deep breaths. It was getting harder and harder to walk like this, pregnant, I mean. Which is why transmutation had been my best friend lately.

I headed to my bedroom and took one of Michael's T-shirts, then went to the studio and made sure that the door was fully locked behind me. I planned on doing a location spell and if anybody saw me they would be either surprised or, if they were Madison, Taylor or Meade, they would try  to stop me, reassuring me one more time that "Michael must be on his way here".

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