Time for the truth

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We were all gathered in the living room, apparently Venable had something to tell us, Michael as always ignored her call but made me attend  anyway.

"You have to be there, they will suspect something if you don't" he said caressing my lips which was curled into a pout.

"You owe me" I said before heading down stairs, everyone was already there, and I quickly made my way to the couch sitting between Gallant and Coco.

"Perhaps in my efforts to keep us safe, punitives measures have been taken too far" Venable was saying, and I could only roll my eyes in my mind due to her cynicism.

"I believe now what we need is a moment of celebration, comradery, which is why, this weekend as a gesture of goodwill we will have a halloween soiree in the style of a victorian masquerade ball" Venable said capturing everyone's attention

"It's halloween this weekend..." Gallant was saying something about her grandma, and all I could think about was the fact that I had forgotten when my favourite holiday was celebrated, with everything going on, I had really lost track of time. I was aware that Venable's action were hiding something, but that didn't mean I wasn't excited for halloween.

When she said that we had to dress up for the evening all I could think about was that I would finally be able to wear one of my beloved red or black dresses, it was the perfect excuse, and Gallant and Coco seemed to be the more excited about all of this.

"Attendance is mandatory" was the last thing that Venable said before people started going away, the greys back to work and the purples back to wasting their time, or in my case back to bother Michael.

But he wasn't in my room, so I went and look for him in his being really careful that no one could see me. I appeared in the middle of the room, as he was typing away something on his laptop, and I tried to take advantage of it and try to scare him, I approached him very silently, and was about to rest my hands in his shoulders, when he noticed me, or that's what he thought.

"I heard you coming in Diza" Michael said standing up and turning around expecting to find me, but the blurry double of me that I had created disappeared, and the real me revealed itself in front of Michael, startling him when he noticed me.

"Boo" I said and enjoy the sudden loss of calm in his face, he didn't scream or anything, but I could see that he was agitated.

"When did you learn to do that little Diza?" he asked curiously lifting his brow.

"Just a gift from my mom you know, manipulating shadows in kind of fun to be honest, and creating things out of them" I said.

"Hmm, in not really sure about liking your mother" he said

"Well she doesn't like your father so we're even" I said with a big grin

"You seem too happy, what did Venable told you?" he asked looking me sideways, almost as if he was expecting something to be confirmed to him.

"Well, it's. freaking. amazing. halloween!" I said squealing and jumping up and down making Michael laugh. 

"Calm down, clam down..." he said trying to stop my jumps

"It's just that-"

"I know, I know, you LOVE halloween" he said mockingly trying to make a really poor imitation of my voice.

"How could I forget something so important? not even my birthday is that important" I said and he tilted his head.

"You are a little too over the top" he just simply said, but I was dreaming

"It's going to be amazing, I mean, it's not a big deal because we're spending it with them, but, I get to dress up, and it's gonna be fun, and we'll dance, and-"

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