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There was a lot of blood, everywhere, not that I minded but... I had no idea where it came from.

It pooled at my feet and dripped from my head to toes, the walls were also stained and corpses were scattered all around the room, I tried to call for anyone but I was alone, then I heard footsteps approaching me from behind.

"Michael" I breathed out, I wanted to hug him but something in him was different, he looked scary, not like the Michael I know. He moved gracefully, calculated steps and confidence in his eyes. He didn't talk.

As he circled me I noticed that his black suit was damped, since it was black I didn't what was the cause for it, but his face had dry blood smears, his hands were also covered in blood.

"Michael what is this?" I asked him, a smug smile showed on his face and then he ran his tongue along his teeth, he looked like a lion about to eat his prey.

This isn't real, I said to myself.

"Thanks for giving me the power, I appreciate it" he finally spoke, so it was him, it was really Michael standing in front of me, but why did he seem so different?.

"What are you talking about? and where is everyone else?" he walked even closer to me, his face now right in front of mine, if I leaned forward I could kiss him, but right now his presence only made the hairs on my neck to stand and send cold shivers down my spine. I tried to back away from him. Something was off.

He didn't allow it and instead pinned me to the wall, I almost slipped on the pool of blood around us.

"You've been so good to me, thank you. I'll never forget it you know? Your duty with our Lord is now over Diza" he whispered in my ear and a wicked smile appeared on his face, my breath accelerated with panic when I felt his hand creeping from my waist to the center of my chest.

"Michael no, please no! don't do it!" I begged for him, I knew he was going to rip my heart out. The moment I felt his strong hands ripping through my body I woke up with a loud scream. Michael's arms were around me and I couldn't stop myself from getting out of his arms and walking to the farthest part of the room, away from him.

I was panting in the corner as Michael tossed in bed and shortly after he woke up.

"Diza, what...?" he stood up confused and tried getting close to me.

"Don't come near, go away!" I screamed. His brows were furrowed and he looked confused, I'd never treated him like this before, and he had also just woken up.

"I... don't know why're you acting like this but, it's me. Okay? take my hand" Michael held his hands up, and slowly tried to approach me again, I had slid to the floor at some point and now a few tears fell from my eyes.

"Step back!" The candles in the room burned with anger, the flame dangerously dancing closer to the curtains, walls and ceiling. He took a step back and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

He looked a little scared of my outbursts, and to be honest I was too. Lately I had had many mood swings, and when I got angry my powers manifested out of control, it was both good and bad, because it meant my powers were growing but at the same time they made me dangerous.

"Diza, what happened? Let me take your hand"




"Diza, come on. Don't be scared" he was now kneeling in front of me and reached out to brush some hair out of my face.

I took a moment to really look at him, wondering if he wasn't just a trick of my mind and he could rip my heart out at any moment. His blue eyes had a shadow of doubt and fear on, but they were the same blue eyes that I loved, and he felt right. His energy I mean. After hesitating for a moment I reached my hand out and he slowly closed his around it, he helped me up and softly pulled me to his chest.

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