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As we entered the ballroom I noticed that the servants had placed a table and some objects that weren't here before, I saw candles and rocks amongst other things and I didn't understood what Michael wanted to do with them.

"Is not what I want to do, but what I want you to do Diza, if you are not as dumb as I think maybe you have already realized that there is something special about you, you don't know how to use it but you know it exists". I was confused, he again answered something that I had just said in my head.

"I don't know what you're talking about, there is nothing special about me."

"Dear dear Diza, please don't play the dumb card, I know that you sense it, it's not just coincidence that that woman left you those cards or the fact that your dreams came true. You are a witch, and I think that a very powerful one, you just need to develop your gifts and then you'll hep the cooperative."

"what do you mean by I'm a witch?, such things do not exist! those are just fantasies, you really are wrong in the head."

"Diza, stop it. You know that I've been reading your mind, and that I did that thing to the door too, and know you sense something weird about me and I know that all those things mean something to you, it's gonna be better for you if you just listen to me and accept what has been in front of you for years."

Of course what he said made sense, and I also already knew he was doing those things to me, but his was all to crazy and I just couldn't wait to get out of here. So I turned and tried opening the door. 

"Stop it!, just come here and do as I say, remember the rules I told you about!"

"make me", I said but I wish I didn't. Michael started laughing and when I thought he couldn't be weirder he flicked his hand and send me flying to the floor, he walked there and stared at me with such a calm face.

"stand up witch, and from now on do as I say".

Realizing that there was nowhere to run I finally stood up and came closer to the table.

"As you can see we have many things used in divination, there are many methods but I don't know which ones you can master apart from the tarot cards, so you are going to try each method. free your mind and concentrate, we'll start with water."

"I don't even know how to read tarot, just because I looked up the meaning of a card doesn't make me an expert, this is such a loss of time!, I don't know how to do this things and I hope you realize this soon so you can let me go."

He didn't need to answer to me ranting, with just a look I knew that if I ever crossed him again he wouldn't ask or be much nicer, so I had to give it a try. Michael hadn't lost his patience even if we had been there for hours, he made me stare into the water, drop a ring on it, concentrate, meditate, etc. But I just couldn't see anything, I was done, I knew it, there was nothing special about me.

"I want to go, and I want to go now!", of course I regretted my sudden outburst as Michael hit the table really hard and looked at me.

"You are not doing this right, we are not going anywhere until you can at least see something on the water!, I'm sure you can do it and I need you to do it! So do it again and again until you see something!", he took my grabbed my head and forced me to stare into the water. "Concentrate, free you mind and concentrate in the way the water moves, listen to what is telling you".

I didn't like him holding my head like that, or him whispering directly in my ear but I wanted to go so I gave it a try. I cleared my mind, closed my eyes for a second and took deep breaths, I tried silencing my mind and when I looked into the water again I couldn't believe it.

I saw streets, full of cars with no people, concrete where there used to be buildings, people on the floor and lots of blood, a grey sky with strange clouds, suddenly the image kind of rewind and I could see the airplanes passing through the sky moments before throwing the bombs that will finally end the world.

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