I refuse

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This is not like a part two or anything, but many said they had trouble viewing the chapter correctly, so I'm uploading it again. If any of you still have troubles to read it please let me know. I love you :)

"Since when have you been feeling like this again?" Doctor McClain asked me as she checked the position of the baby and other vital signs.

"Not much, it's nothing" I replied. I just wanted everyone to go away and leave me alone with Michael, but instead a small crowd of my friends now surrounded the doctor and me.

"Liar..." Madison chanted quietly, I shot her a tired look warning her not to dare and make this any longer.

I felt a cramp coming but I refused to show any signs of pain, so instead I held the blankets really tight on my fists and held my breath, trying to fake it as best as I could.

"Breath or you're gonna pass out, and you're not fooling anyone" the doctor said. How did she even notice? She was writing some things down.

"Why do you think you're getting those cramps?" she asked then, and I'm sorry... well not really, but I couldn't hold it.

"Am I the damn doctor now or what?" I bursted and everyone shifted uncomfortably.

"I was just wondering... maybe you'd done some effort, lifted something, ate something... that may have caused this, but don't worry. I AM the doctor, so I'll give you a diagnosis later" she answered, unbothered with my attitude. Her brown straight hair was held high on an annoying ponytail as she gave me a quick look with her dark eyes.

Apparently I wasn't the only one with almost any patience left, as Michael suddenly got up from my side and everyone's attention shifted to him. His presence couldn't never be ignored, and that powerful and scary aura of his was always there.

"Everyone out. But not you doctor" As always his orders were not to be questioned and everyone left, the doctor now stood nervously in front of the bed. As soon as the door locked Michael moved so fast I didn't registered it, from one moment to another he had the doctor pinned to the wall and up by grabbing her shirt on his fists.

"Listen to me insignificant human. I brought you here for a reason, and only one reason. To make sure my wife and my baby are okay, and you won't get any second chances. Mess it up, keep playing and I'll rip your tongue out painfully slow, then your eyes, then your head, and so on and so on" his face was inches away from hers and as scared as she look I could also perceive her arousal.

"Understood?" Michael's demon face made an appearance and the woman tried to look away in horror, but his grab was too strong, there was no other place to look but straight into his pitch black eyes and she quickly nodded her head, almost apologizing and begging to be released.

"Yes- y-yes I understand Mr Langdon. I'm sorry."

"Good" he let her fall to the ground and graciously walked back t the bed to sit beside me.

The doctor got up and came close.

"I'm not completely sure what's going on with her... her cramps indicate that she's in labor, but the timing and the baby position indicate otherwise... I hadn't seen something like this before. But I promise that whatever happens I can handle it and I'll try to come up with solutions as soon as I leave" she finally told us. Her words were not comforting at all, this was the worst time for the baby to come. If it was even coming, but still, the fact that she knew nothing about a situation like this made me more worried.

"I want you to come back in an hour to check on her, and you better have a solution for this as well, at least something to help her" Michael ordered and she agreed, walking out of the room as fast as she could.

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