5 days and counting

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As it was usual after we got back from looking at the stars it was hard for me to go to sleep, the nightmares about what was to come were more frequent now, more vivid and I was just scared of falling asleep.

I decided to just go and play the piano while I waited for the sun to come out again, it was  5 in the morning anyway. I fell asleep while playing the piano for an hour and guess who woke me up?, that's right Ana! ta-da.

How could she even find me here, like seriously I just wanted to chill for a day and avoid everything, reluctantly I followed her to my room to get a shower and change as usual. My hopes were really low for the day and everyone could notice it, everyone being Michael, Ana, the other two servants and me.

"Morning Diza"

"what is even the point anymore?" I said softly under my breath taking my usual place at the table. I didn't finished the food, and didn't ask for anything extra, and I also wasn't bothering Michael with my questions, this made Michael look at me questionably once in awhile until he finally spoke.

"Are you okay?, did you catch a cold or something?"

I just showed him my poker face, there was no way he could be that dumb.

"Stop worrying, you know there's no way to stop it, so just let it go", he had read my mind! again, even when he promised he wouldn't do it anymore.

"Michael!, you said you wouldn't do that anymore.

"Well I wouldn't have done it if you answered out loud instead of accumulating it all in that little head of yours.

"I'm just too nervous okay?, I can't believe it is happening and that we are so close to it. I can't help but to think about the other people, and the world in general. What are we doing with it?, like seriously"

"Diza, that's of no use, you are just hurting yourself"

"Like I didn't knew it already, anyways, what is the plan for today?"

"I'll be leaving to prepare some things of the new house but when I get back we must continue practicing"

"yeah it's fine, good luck with the house", I said standing up and getting out of there. I knew what I wanted to do while he was out of here.

I waited to hear the door closing in order to go to the kitchen, there I found the other two servants who were always here, but never say a word.

"Hello gentleman, well I have a task for you"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Ableman, what are you looking for?"

"Well I was wondering if you had any alcohol in the house...?"

"Are you hurt ms.-"

"No no no, that's not the alcohol I'm referring to, I think you know what I AM talking about, you know. Where does Michael keep the good stuff?"

"Ms. Ableman, I don't think that's a good idea... Mr. Langdon didn't say we should give you that."

This man was making me mad, do to the lack of sleep I had this days and the frustration of the inevitable I just really had no patience left, so I decided to use one of those seven wonders.

"Get me some wine, vodka or anything you have but bring it to me." I said concentrating on it being an order and not leaving him an option.

"Yes ma'am." He said leaving, he then came back with some bottles of the sweet sweet venom I've asked him.

"Put them on the ballroom table please"

"Yes ma'am"

"It wasn't that hard you see?, thanks for getting them" I said to the poor man, he still was over my control and couldn't really say a thing about his true opinion.

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