this is hard

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After a week or so I was now almost completely familiar with everything around here, since only this pretencious, rich people lived here, they have made their own city of sin down here, almost everything existed, they had a club, bars, tattoo shops, casinos, restaurants, anything, I mean of course it was just one or two of each, because there wasn't enough people to sustain more, but still, it was a little weird for me.
I guess what surprised me the most was that there were atually a few kids around, I think that just three babies, but still they were enough considering all things, everyone else was just above 18 and I think that the oldest people were 60, I spend my time mostly with Michael, but now he has meetings to attend and people to see.
I thought that maybe people would be more interested in repopulating the earth, educating themselves or finding a way to restore the surface, but everyone was more self centered, which reminded me that of course, everyone here worshipped Satan, guess it isn't such a surprice. The biggest room around here was a church, even bigger than the casino or the spa, and it was used almost daily, sometimes they wanted Michael to say something or just be present for the prayers, and if they had ever any doubt about him being the antichrist, Satan made it damn sure that no one did.

The morning after the ball, they had begged Michael to please join them in their prayers and give some words at the end, everything was normal, they all cheared for Michael on his way to the front of the crowd, and as he started talking a subtle shadow crept its way up the wall behind him, no one was sure of what it was in the begining, but as Michael looked around everyone's shooked faces, the shadow behind him extended his demonic wings, his horns being unmistakable, the impoment presence demanding resoect and silence from everyone, Michael felt the presence of his father too and proudly smiled, as his demonic face flashed on and off quickly, everyone bowed to him and hailed Satan once more, there's no need to mention that everyone loves Michael around here, the now unmasked faces look at him devotion and envy, some even with distrust but they all show respect, I can't say the same goes for me.

Some don't care about us, but a small and very angry group of people hide behind the excuse of me distracting him to claim that we shouldn't be together, of course Michael doesn't listen to them, and me neither... but I can't help but wonder if I'm the best option for him, even if I don't want to, there's suddenly a crowd that gets a say about me, about us, and sometimes their comments make me feel bad.

Am I "good" enough for the antichrist? Sometimes I wonder to myself as I do the minimum thing. I was walking to the chirch when Val apporoached me, she was carrying Ella in her arms, Ella is her daughter, she is 2 years old apparently, and Val started talking to me during our second day here, I was wandering through all the rooms, not finding the loud music or activity from the casino really apealing at the moment, so I bumped into Val near the room where they left babies to sleep in.

"Oh hey, you are... Diza right? Such a pretty girl" was the first thing Val said to me, people tend to mention my beauty but I wish that some day they recognize for something else, like my magic or I don't know.

"Yeah, thank you" I gave her a smile and intended to keep walking, but she stopped me and invited me to grab some lunch with her, before I knew it we had already spent near two hours talking and Michael was looking for me.

"Diza, where have you been? I've looked everywhere for you" he whispered before standing behind me and placing his ring clad fingers over my arms.

"I have to go" I excused myself with Val and Michael nodded goodbye to her.

Now I was here again, finding myself trapped by her.

"Hey Diza, where are you going? Do you think you can take care of Ella for a while, please?" Please don't, I said to myself but sometimes I'm a people pleaser, so I said yes.

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