extra chapter 1

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Six months later.

"Michael you have to see this" I called for him from Aiden's bedroom.

"What is it?" He asked walking into the room while trying to fix his clothes. Today he had a meeting with the Cooperative to change some rules and find a way to go back to the surface.

"Look" I pointed to our son's crib.

"What is-" he became quiet when he noticed it.

The crib that once fitted perfectly our little son had now a hole in one of it's ends and two legs hung from it.

"How did it happen?" I asked getting closer.

"I thought that maybe he wouldn't go throught it... that he'll be able to grow at a normal rate" Michael had stopped trying to get his red tie right, he stood beside me shaking his head saddly while looking at our now grown up son.
He was still asleep, althought I had no idea how he could do it in that position. His brown locks of hair covered his eyes and his face was less rounded.

"How old do you think he is now?" I whispered to Michael.

"I hope not too old, I don't remember how fast I grew old but... he may be three or four years old now, don't you think?" His jaw was clenched and I knew he was trying to hide how he felt, but sucked at it.

"Hey, it's okay Michael. We knew it may happen" I reassured him rubbing his back and making him look at me. He avoided my gaze.

"I'm sorry" he whispered letting his face fall and a strand of his long blonde hair covered it.

"Michael... it really is okay, you don't have anything to apologize for" I said brushing his hair behind his ear.

"Thanks to my genes Aiden won't be able to grow up normally..."

"Oh come on, you were the same and you are just fine. Stop with the pitty and help me take him to our bed so he can rest properly".

That was two months ago, the day we discovered our baby was now five years old, from that day until now he was able to talk, run, eat and demand things by himself. It was a little hard at first, he adapted just fine but Michael and I felt like we'd lost a lot of time with him, we were a worried that he'll grow another five years at any  moment so we treasured every day with him.

Also for the past six months Michael had been meeting with the Cooperative to find a way to get back to the surface, he was open to any ideas, from magic to science, but everyday he grew more desperate of all of us being stuck down here. I was a little too, I'd grown used to he sanctuary, to its comfortable space and the people here but I really wanted to show the world to my son some day. To rebuilt it so I could do it.

"Are you ready?" I asked Michal creeping out of the bed and walking towards him to wrap my arms around his waist. 

He stared at me from the mirror and held me close with his arm.

"I think so, if they don't give me any good ideas soon, I'm going out there by myself and try as many spells as I can" he said.

"You've tried that before..." I teased him helping him to apply his red eyeshadow.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said pursing his lips and hiding a smile.

I laughed, not so long ago he'd tried to restore the earth, saddly we discovered that as powerful as Michael was, his powers were never meant to heal, only destroy. He really tried for weeks to find a spell to make any changes, but he only made the situation worse. 

"Sure, because Michael Langdon makes no mistakes" I finished with his eyeshadow, and he took me by surprise. He grabbed my legs and lifted me over the sink, he stood between my legs and kissed me pationately. I wrapped my legs securely around his hips, but he had to break appart when someone opened the door.

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