1 month before the bombs dropped

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I followed him through a dark alley, then we walked down stairs, it was all so weird, styled like an old victorian mansion but at the same time very modern, with shiny wooden floors and weird paintings on the walls, whatever that's not the important part. In my head I was still trying to come up with a plan to get out of here, but my man problem was that I didn't even know where I was, so I decided to just follow him and try to find any doors.

"As you may have noticed we are very far from connecticut, so you are no longer close to that rat hole you wrongflly called a house, I will not tell you our exact location but I assure you, you can't run fast enough through that door to get anywhere, so don't even try it Diza".  I was very confused, how did he even knew I was thinking about running, looks like he can read my mind I suppose, also how does he even know my name?. He called my name when he took me, and I don't remember telling him.

"My name is Michael Langdon, in case you wondered."He begun. "I've already told you how special you are, but I guess you don't remember it,so I'll repeat it." Again it was like he read my mind, kind of creepy but all I could do was listen to his velvet voice. 

"when are you going to let me go?", I asked even if I knew he would probably not answer, and I was right; he just signaled for me to take a seat.

"listen, this is the last time I'll explain you what you are doing here and the rules you must follow from now on. You've been chosen due to your special genetic makeup, maybe you already knew that there was something weird about you, some reason why you just wouldn't fit, you may've felt it or even acted on it in the past, and it's my duty to heelp you explorte this ablities. You are one of the few people chosen to survive and in gratitude you will serve the cooperative." I didn't understand, he must be some junkie judging by his weird red eyes, he must be crazy and came up with all of this to pass the time.

"All I'm saying is true, contrary to the stupid things you are thinking Diza." He stood up and walked until he was behind me.  "Listen to me because whether or not you choose to believe me, the world is going to end in a month, either follow my rules and obey me or we'll have to do this the hard way, and it won't cost me a thing to simply torture you and force you into doing as i say." He whispered in my ear.

"You are out of your mind, you are just some creepy guy who abducted me, let me leave or I'll call the police!", I stood and tried to run to the door to open it, he didn't even follow me, he just stood there waiting. 

When I opened the door there was a concrete wall behind it, how could that be possible, as I was about to touch it spiders started coming out of the concrete. I can't stand them, so I jumped back in and scream. Michael's laugh made it pretty obvious he was enjoying the show, my suspicion was he was doing all of that but how could he be?, he's just weird right? but still human... there's no way he could do that.

With a swing of his fingers the door locked again , and I turned around slowly, afraid of the man now sitting on the chair. "come sit and when I tell you all the rules you can go back to that wall". He mocked.

Afraid as I was I followed his order and took a seat, "So as I was telling you, I'll teach you some things and I'll help you discover all your gifts, the rules you have to follow are easy; you'll listen to me and never interrupt me, we'll practice everyday and you won't ask any more questions about the cooperative, you can walk around the mansion but you may never leave as you've witnessed, you'll get a meal three times a day and when the leaders come you'll follow this same rules understand? also no communication with the outside world, soon there will be nothing left for you out there anyways, and when day 0 comes you'll listen to every word I say and go wherever I tell you. Now go change and I'll see you at the ballroom for our first practice."

He was so calm telling me the world was going to end and that now I was some kind of student, I didn't understand and didn't want to, as I was about to tell him to go fuck himself, he was faster, he just stood up and left me with the words on my mouth.

He had a very mysterious aura, tempting, as much as I was scared I was also curious and if what he was saying was true and there was no way out I might just have to get used to this. Looking outside the nearest window all I could see were trees and more trees, no way out.

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