3 months after the bombs

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Michael and I slept together every night, I only visited my room to shower or change, but pretty much I just shared Michael's bedroom.

Kaitlyn had really made an effort not to walk in on us again, despite her being the only one who knew that we were together I felt like all the servants had already noticed it, and I didn't give a f to be honest.

The death count was back at 0 again, finally, we had some peace.
Given the fact that Michael had already killed almost all the important warlocks, no one had really visited us in a while.

I hated to admit it but I was starting to get bored... I mean before coming here Michael had locked me in the mansion for a month and hardly ever allowed me to go out, and now I had been down here for 3 months, so this 4 months have been filled with emotions, discovery, power and fear.

I wanted to leave here, maybe not forever, not that I could either, but it's just that everything seemed so repetitive I knew I might lose my mind if I stayed another minute trapped here.

Michael had just woken up, before that, I was drawing imaginary patterns on his arm.

"Hey demon boy" I whispered to him as I rested my head on my arm.

"Hey astèri" he told turning to face me.

Michael started calling me astèri as a nickname, it means star in greek, he says that I'm his star because I radiate energy and illuminate his sky. Pretty cute compared to me calling him demon, and then notice the fact that he knows greek, impressing.

"Can we go out and explore or something today?" I asked him leaving kisses in his chest, if I wanted to get my way I had to manipulate him for sure.

"And what exactly do you think you'll explore?" he asked trying to ignore my kisses.

"You know, the sad remains of humanity, burning buildings, half destroyed buildings... hospitals?, I don't know, I just now that I'm going  mad just being inside.

"To be honest I'm getting a little bored too, and- Diza... please stop- stop doing that" he said trying to contain a moan as I kissed and bitted softly they way up his neck.

"Can we go?" I asked him innocently.

"Fine, but you'll have to obey me later" he said roughly kissing my lips.

"We have a deal then" I told him happily standing up. 

As always Kaitlyn helped me get dressed, we had breakfast and then, finally we were going out.

I had to put on one of those weird suits, so for today I was allowed to wear the pair of black jeans that I owned instead of the big fluffy dresses.

The moment we stepped outside wasn't as pleasant as I imagined, first of all I had wrongly imagined myself taking a deep breath, but when we were finally outside I was scared to even breathe at all. You asked for this so now suck it, I told myself trying to gather some courage.

"Come on, we new to get the car" Michael told me as he was already walking away.

I had no idea how did Michael even had a car in the middle of this mess, but okay I wouldn't complain.

"Does it even has gasoline?" I asked him a little skeptical whether the car would work or not.

"Of course, why would I even have it if not?" he answered my question with another one.

It was a Cadillac escalade in black, I'm not an expert, but I'm not really sure how much exposure to radiation a car can handle. 

Michael opened the door for me, two servant's joined us, one was driving and the other sat at his side. Supposedly they were supposed to help if we had any problem, but I just couldn't picture Michael having any problem he couldn't solve.

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