fights, tears and a bed

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Rise and shine, is the morning after. I tell myself as I try moving from the bed, but Michael's leg is over mine and I can't really move. A week had already passed since I did something out of the routine.For some reason today I'm not on the best mood, whether it is because it is burning hot in here, Michael si crushing me, I want to go to the bathroom or the fact that yesterday Michael made me paint his nails black, and he looked better than I'll ever look!

I don't know, but I knew that today was going to be hard, i tried not letting my mood getting in the way so i took a deep breathe.

"Michael, hey... sweet demon" I said softly.

He was slowly waking up, but the fact that I sweet talked to him made him think that I wanted to be closer, so instead of removing his legs he got closer.

"Hey..." I whispered again as I shaked him softly.

"Yes...?" He asked me still a little sleep but getting closer to my face.

"I need to go to the bathroom, move bish" I tell him pushing him aside.

I stood up and went to the bathroom leaving a confused Michael behind.

When I got out, I went straight to him and kissed his cheek because I felt bad about the way I left.

"I'll change" I told him before leaving and he just nodded.

I searched for Kaitlyn, and I found her downstairs dusting the books on the library.

"Good morning Diza" she greeted me.

"Sure, good morning Kaitlyn" I told her with little emotion.

"Did you have trouble sleeping?" she asked me

"No, I actually slept really good, but I don't know, just today it's not my day" I told her.

She just nodded not really sure what to answer to that.

"Can you help me change, please?"

"Of course, let's go." She followed me as soon as I turned around.

When we were on my bedroom I told her that I didn't really felt like choosing a dress, so she got the chance to dress me up whoever she wanted. I threw myself on the mattress, next to Amon. At least scratching his head and hearing his faint purr made me feel a little better.

"I hope you like this" Kaitlyn said taking a black dress embroidered with gold out of the closet.

It was even hard to stand up from the bed, but anyways I had to do it, all of this is part of the beautiful routine. Note my sarcasm.

Kaitlyn noticed my lack of energy and bad mood and decided to ask me this.

"Are you and Michael having problems?"

"Of course not"

"Then you're mad because you haven't f*ck yet" she told me deliveralty, with no shame or second though.

"What?!" I asked her a little shocked by the way she just asked me that.

"You are frustrated Diza, sexualy frustrate-"

"Kaitlyn, please let's not talk about that okay? and no, I'm not mad because of that. It's just that I'm tired of the routine, I'm tired of searching for my mother and not being able to find her, not being able to make any major progress with my visions"

"It's okay to admit it, I'll be mad if I hadn't had the chance to-"

"Kaitlyn!" I called her not wanting to hear how her sentence will finish.

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