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"Just give me a damn cigarette, I can't handle this shit any longer" Madison said closing her eyes and falling back on her bed. 

I'd been trying to explain her what happened to the world and how things worked down here, but she didn't look much excited to be a Satanist, or being here. She'll change her mind once she could see all the luxuries of it.

"Come on Madison, I'm not even gonna force you to be a Satanist, you can avoid the church and the sacrifices, but if you don't get up you'll never see the perks of being here" sooner or later she would have to join us though, but it was useless to mention it right now.

"God, puppy, if I knew that you'll be a constant pain in my ass I would've stayed in hell" that fucking nickname again.

"Up!" I had no patience left, Madison was so whiny all the time, and I had things to do, so I used my powers to get her out of the bed, the confusion was clear in her face as her body answered to my orders and not hers.

"Stop it!, I'll move when I want to, and I'll do what I want!" she yelled at me, fighting me back and regaining control of herself for a moment. Just a moment.

"I'll stop, and wait for you outside, but if you're not ready in ten minutes you'll be today's sacrifice" she mumbled something in response but walked to her closet anyways, so I went outside and leaned on the wall waiting for her.

I really thought I'll have to go and get her, but to my surprise she was dressed and ready in exactly ten minutes. I decided to leave some blue and black dresses for her, as well as some gold and red ones, but she was wearing a deep blue one, for once she looked decent.

"Come on, before I regret it" she said walking in front of me

"You don't even know where you're going" I said, following her anyways

"It's not like I'm gonna get lost or find a way out" she said, and she was right.

As we walked past the club, the spa, the casino and every other room or attraction I explained what they were to her, I showed her the church,  she saved her comments about it and slowly but surely I could see some trust growing in her, maybe she even liked the place.

When we got to the garden she was more relaxed and urged me to take a sit beside her.

"So, I've seen it all, and it's great and everything but, how long will we be able to live like this? I mean, you guys have a lot of food and offer it everywhere, but that's the same reason we might run out of it, people around here look like rich assholes and I'm sorry but, I won't take part in any sacrifice. Although, being a satanist sounds hot, scary, definitely interesting but I'm not sure if I want to take part in your... practices."

"About the food, even if it seems like they waste it I actually convinced Michael to reduce the amounts of food they cooked and we keep a close eye on our resources, any other problem we can solve them by ordering it, Michael says things should last for about a decade, and I've been working with the scientist to find a way to get to the surface sooner" I explained, if I had been on her place I'll be confused too, but she was smart, no wonder she'll adapt soon and understand how things worked.

"What about Michael?" she asked with a devilish tone on her voice and a grin on her face

"What about him?"

"You know, are you something like his girl... his personal assistant, pet, anything?"

"I'm his girlfriend" to that, she winked

"I see you bitch, getting the leader all to yourself so you can order everyone around and be protected. Smart move" I knew I shouldn't listen to what she said, but her words still made me mad

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