The wheel of fortune

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I had walked around the mansion for hours now, there were many rooms, bathrooms and even what kind of looked like a game room, however there's was no door or window that opened to the outside. As I contemplated counting every crack on the ceiling a sharp sound made me cover my ears, scared I tried following the sound as I had no idea what that meant, he was waiting at the living room and when I arrived the sound stopped. "Good afternoon Diza, I hope you had a wonderful time admiring the house, but now it's time for you to take the first lesson, follow me to the studio and we'll head to the ballroom after."

As he turned around he told a service man I hadn't seen before to cancel all the phone calls he might get and to not disturb us no matter what they heard. That didn't make me feel any saffer about being locked up with him in room but again there was no other place for me to go.

I followed him through a door I didn't notice before and then took a seat as he told me, he was sitting in front of me across the desk, he just stared at me for some minutes, not saying a word and smiling as he knew something I didn't.

"First I'm going to ask you some questions, if you hedge I'll know, if you lie to me I'll know, and if you try to  trick me I will know, and this interrogation will be over and you will die here painfully understood?.  So first Diza, you used to live with your aunt right?, please answer loud and clear."

"yes", I answered trying not to stutter.

"You were aware that your parents were going to die, is that right?"

I had trouble answering that question, it was something I didn't like to remember and tried to block out of my mind. As he noticed me going silent he stood up and sit above the desk now closer to me, coming closer to my face he asked again. "you knew they were going to die but decided not to tell right Diza?, remember you must answer me and don't try hiding anything.

"yes", I answered defeated, "yes I knew they were going to die, well not exactly, I just had a feeling but I ignored it because obviously I never intended for that to come true!" I was getting angry and defensive, this stranger knew about my parents and apparently he knew stuff about me too.

"Did you had a dream about it?", he asked now more curious.


"That wasn't the first time that your dreams came true right?, when was the first time?"

"I don't know"

"Of course you know Diza, I already know but I need you to tell me" he started circling me, and then he placed his head over my shoulder whispering in my ear. "I find your gifts very interesting, but I won't help you develop them if you don't cooperate darling." He went back to the table and stared not so kindly at me.

I lost concentration when I looked him in the eyes, they were kind of hollow yet so beautiful, they were a soft almost white shade of blue, but I d¡couldn't read him, normally the eyes of the people would tell me their real intentions, I had noticed that since middle school, when I looked someone in the eye I just got this feelings in my head, for a long time I thought maybe I was just crazy but turns out what came to me turned out to be true. That's why I found so strange not being able to get anything from Michael's eyes. 

"The first time one of my dreams became truth I was 7 years old, in my dream there was this woman walking down the street, she would casually stop and look at me, she was all dressed in black and had sunglasses on, she would leave an envelope on our mail, smile at me and then go. I had that dream for a week and one day i decided to check the mail. I found the same envelope I had seen her leave many times before, the only thing written in the front was my name and inside a card, a tarot card to be more exact."

"what card was it?"

"the wheel of fortune, I didn't even knew what a tarot card was until I showed it to my mother, she freaked out and asked me where I got it from, I had to make some excuse up and told her that I found it at school. She was very mad and apparently didn't like anything related to the occult, so she burned it on the stove. I was never able to get rid of it, later that night the card appeared over my pillow, turned upside down. and every time I would try to get rid of it, the card would just appear again."

"do you know what the card means?"

"I didn't, until I grew up and tried to look for more information about it and some other mmm occult practices, the card is not bad on itself but the reversed meaning says that you should postpone a major change that involves risk taking.  The meaning wasn't clear for me until I reflected on my past and so what the card was referring to."

"but that's not all, is it?, you received another card"

"Months later I felt like something was calling me, tempting me to look in the mail we received, and there i found another card. The death, it means that change is going to happen and you need to let go of the past, I think it was a warning from the mysterious woman that I understood too late."

"How soon did your parents died after that?"

"One night I dreamed about them being in the car, shouting at each other and suddenly a bus crashed them. I woke up and went to look for them in their room, everybody has nightmares so I just assumed that it was that. But two days later they died just the way I dreamed of it." 

This questions were making me tired and angry, I always felt guilty that I didn't do anything or that I couldn't go to the past and save them or just died with them on the crash, but I was at my aunt's when that happened and no matter what I did they will always meet the same end. 

"Don't be such a fool, you are alive because all of this had a reason, because you are meant to serve this cause and discover all your powers." He said as he came closer to my face, looking me in the eyes and being so close that if I move I could almost kiss him.

"I will ask you more questions as the days go by but for tonight, it is over. Thanks to you answering this questions I'm going to teach you the first lesson."

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