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The last dinner, or best said our last breakfast here, it holds an important significance. Contrary to the last supper, no one has declared that they'll betray anyone yet, but anyways I couldn't help feeling that something was wrong.

Michael invited all the servants to the table, telling them that we should all share out last meal here together, so they did. Their grey uniforms cleaner than ever now surrounded us, they brought a little more food than usual and Michael had ordered them to even make a dessert. I wasn't sure what Michael's intentions were until it was too late to do something.

"For today, and only today. You may eat meat, I know it's been a long time, but today we celebrate that we are joining another outpost and together we'll get to the sanctuary" Michael said raising his voice from the head of the table.

All the servants cheered and greeted Michael,  apparently all this time they had mostly been eating the weird cubes Ariel once talked about. We first had some soup, and for some reason Michel whispered to me.

"Eat it slower, really slow" 


"Just do it" he dismissed me and continued playing around with his own soup. The servants were already done, they had been starving and couldn't control themselves in front of some real food. I could see Kaitlyn from here, she was one of the few servants that were about to finish the meat and get some desert.

Something felt wrong, and I just stopped eating, Michael wasn't even doing it. He just watched carefully that every servant had a piece of meat on their plate, at first they were happy, savoring the delicious meat, the spices, the food they always cooked but never got to eat. But then, their expressions turned into grimaces of disgust, some of them started coughing. I meant to stand up and help them, but Michael grabbed my arm and held me in place.

"What did you do?" I asked him looking at him with a serious and confused face.

"What was necessary" he answer with a proud look.

Their cough turned into them not breathing or making any sound at all, blood dripped from their mouths and some had even throw up, hoping that whatever made them ill could get out and they'll be okay. Sadly that wasn't the case.

"Kaitlyn!" There was so much blood coming out from her mouth, I've never been afraid of blood, but there was no way in hell that that was normal, I stood up ignoring Michael's insistent voice telling me to stay where I was.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I don't know what he did, or what did you do? Can I help you?" Oh my god, she cold and pale, the only color now was her grey uniform and the bright red stains covering it.

"It's okay" she told me as best as she could.

I hold her hand and allowed a single tear to fall from my eye. Everyone around us was dying or already death. I didn't wanted her to suffer like that so I weaved an illusion, I searched for whatever made her happy before all of this and painted that ilusion around us. At least this way she'll die a little happy. We didn't knew each other that much, but that didn't mean I wouldn't miss her, or feel bad about the way she died.

When she finally took her last breath I left her on the floor, stood up and watched the mess all around me. Everyone death blood spilled everywhere and at the head of the table, Michael was eating cake, as oblivious to the death around him as if the room was empty.

"Why did you do it?" I asked in disbelief. He put down the spoon full of cake and looked at me a little tired.

"I told you it was necessary" he said offering me a little smile.

"Are you proud of this?" I asked him still not understanding why the hell did he needed to kill everyone.

"I am indeed, it was quicker than I expected" he said nodding his head in affirmation.

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