5 months after the bombs

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I'm finally getting better, now it's easier to have premonitions about anything or anyone I want to know something about. My powers are stronger than ever and Michael teached me how to lie, how to carry myself and how to answer any possible question I may encounter.

Michael forgot to tell me before, that we'll move from outpost to outpost, until we reached the third one, and bring death to them. Michael will sell them the idea of this paradise where they wouldn't have to worry about anything but in the end we just had to kill everybody, and this was supposed to happen in each one of them.

"So do you think that it's best to go from this one to the second one? I asked Michael.

"Yes, because there are still a lot of people in this one. The first one is nearly empty. Most of the people from that one have already come and go" he explained to me, showing me the photos of many of the man that had visited us in the past.

"Very well then, I trust your plan" as I said that an image came rushing to my mind. Michael was going to push me, but thanks to my premonition I moved before he did.

"You are really getting better" he told me laughing, as he lost his footing a little when he couldn't reach me.

"I'm not failing you, I am strong and powerful and I must prove it" I told him with a determined tone.

"I like this confident ruthless you" he told me teasingly touching my chin.

"You love me" I told him, boldly kissing him.

"I do" he said shortly after breaking from the kiss.

"I need to go and search for Amon, but I'll see you in a while. You still owe me a continental game" I told him already walking to the door.

"Okay, but just know that I'll beat you again" he shouted a little for me to hear him.

As Michael always beat me in chess I decided that maybe cards will be my allies, but he still beat me at it!, is there something Michael can't do? I asked myself for the million time. No matter if I win or lose I was happy seeing him happy. 

I suck I know, to everyone I must look like his puppy, following him around, being cheerful near him and obeying all of his orders, well almost all of them. But I couldn't help it, the love and admiration I had for him reached another level.

In two days we'll be leaving the outpost, and even if I was excited about it, I was also nervous. I hadn't seen Amon since yesterday, let's just say that Michael and I didn't really left his room for a long time and I hadn't been taking care of the cat. Sometimes he would be around Kaitlyn and she'ld feed him, but I couldn't even find her.

After searching for thirty minutes I found him, near the kitchen eating a mouse. It wasn't common for him to eat them, he'll normally just kill them, but maybe even my poor cat was now bored.

"We'll be leaving soon and you'll find other places to explore" I told him as I picked him up from the ground.

I took him to my bedroom and scratched his back a little, enjoying the soft relacing purr sound he made. He decided to leave me and go to eat, so I left my bedroom, I was headed to the library when I heard a faint voice in the distance.

It was coming from one of the bedroom in the opposite side of the hallway, it was strange, because the only rooms that we ever used were Michael and mine, more like just Michael's. I really don't want to find the servants doing something or gods knows what. But it was weird to me, so I had to go and see who it was.

As I got closer I recognized the voice, how couldn't I?. But still I couldn''t understand what he was saying.

"Michael what ar-" I couldn't finish my question, as when I opened the door I saw Michael naked and surrounded by candles, he was cutting his arms with a knife, deep and long.

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