too much blood

956 31 15

This house, more like mansion really, was absolutely beautiful. It's interiors reminded me of some old french castle, tall walls with coulmns and modern chandeliers every now and then. Apparently they did have electricity here, but just in certain places. Michael led me through some stairs and hallways until we reached an empty hallway with tall red doors at the end of it.

"This is our bedroom, ready to see it?" He asked turning to look at me as he grabed the handles.

"I guess" I wasn't really sure what to expect other than a bed and some candles to be honest, but when the doors opened my mouth followed.

A big bed with tall posts, ancient royalty style was in the middle of the room resting on the back wall, beside it was a medium window which was covered in grey curtains. The walls were a similar but darker shade of ashy grey and the floor was made of dark wood, all the other details were black, like the sheets of the beautiful bed or the fabric covering every side almost like courtains, it had a big dresser and two other doors, one I assumed was the bathroom and the other I wasn't so sure.
I opened it to find a big as closet, it could perfectly fit the collection of bags, dresses, makeup and any orher thing rich people have.

"Do you like it?" Michael asked coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, I covered them with my arms too.

"I do, it's just kind of weird that here they have electriciry"

"Not everywhere, like here for example, only the center light is electric, but the ones beside the bed, outside this closet and the bathroom lights are all ment to be lit candles" he explained.

"Great, because being honest I was kind of getting used to-,-candles" I said between yawns, which made Michael laugh as he pulled me back to the bedroom and guided me to the bed.

"You are too tired for me to show you around" he said laughing as I collapsed on the matress.

"It's not true, you liar" I tried to keep my dignity but another hawn destroyed the slim chance I had.

"You look like a princess, laying there on the matress, ready to demand whatever she wants" Michael said with a proud smirk on his face.

"The only thing I want is for you to come lay next to me, and to get rid of this fucking dress" I said trying to untie it, being honest I did want to just go ahead and sleep but tjere was no way I was resting with this on.

"As you wish" Michael said plopping next to me and pulling me into a kiss as his hands explored my back and pulled down the zipper.
His cold hands sending shivers through my spine making arch even closer to him.

"Are you sure you just want to sleep?" He asked to my ear.

"Yeah..." I answered not so convinced, "aren't you tired?" I asked looking to his beautiful eyes when he trew the dress far from the bed.

"Not much" he said and then I remembered that it must have been dut to the blood sacrifice they had offered him.

"But I'll next to you while you sleep uf that's what you want" he offered

"Please" I said before asking him to pass me one of his long shirts to sleep in.

"This is cheating, you should only wear if you had undressed me" he said looking for a shirt on his baggage, and tossing it to me.

"Don't complain when I do it, later" I said

"Sure fine" he said taking his shoes and coat off to lay next to me.

We fell asleep after I promised him that later he could show me around and tell me more about this place.

A loud bang woke me up, and I wasn't sure for how long did we sleep.

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