Chapter 108

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{You guys have waited almost fifty chapters for this. Come meet Hailey, the Corbrina baby}

Sarah's POV:

"Are you excited for your last day of school?" I ask Ava.

"Yeah!" Ava says. Right now all three of us are in me and Peyton's room and are about to go to bed.

"Tomorrow you are going to have a lot of fun" Peyton says to Ava.

"What are we going to do?" Ava asks.

"You are going to play for the beginning of the day. Then at the end you are going to go outside and have a big party" Peyton says.

"That sounds like a lot of fun!" She says.

Ava's grade is having a Hawaiian luau. Ava doesn't know that it is Hawaiian themed yet. She is going to be really excited when she finds out. She always talks about going to Hawaii. The parents even get to go to the party.

The house is still under construction so me and Ava sleep in the bed and Peyton moved Ava's bed into the basement for construction so he sleeps down there. Ava says it's too scary down there for her and Peyton doesn't want her sleeping on a different floor in the house.

Peyton says goodnight and goes downstairs and me and Ava go to bed. Ava's really excited for tomorrow

* * *

Me and Ava just woke up. I'm sure Peyton is up too. He normally wakes up before both of us. The first thing I do is check my phone. I had a text from my mom.

Mom: Sabrina went into labor last night. Call me when you see this.

That message was sent at 4:30 this morning. It's now eight. I immediately called my mom. It rings a couple times and then she picks up.

"Hello?" She says.

"Why wouldn't you call me? I would have came to the hospital no matter what time it was" I say.

"Now we know for next time" My mom says.

"There isn't going to be a next time" Sabrina says and it sounded like she was in so much pain.

"So do we have another baby in the family yet?" I ask.

"Nope not yet. Soon though. In next couple hours" My mom says.

"I wish we did" Sabrina says.

"Butt out of my conversation and go back to yelling at Corey" My mom says to Sabrina.

"I'm on my way to the hospital now" I say and hang up.

"Did aunt Sabrina have her baby?" Ava asks.

"Not yet. In a little bit. I'm going to go to the hospital now" I say.

"Can I come?" Ava asks.

"You can ask your dad. I don't know if he wants you missing the last day of school" I say.

"I'll go ask him" She says and climbs off the bed.

I quickly get dressed and then go downstairs.

"Is it ok if she comes with you?" Peyton asks.

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