Chapter 53

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Sarah's POV:

Well tour was supposed to start back up in a week and a half but we got some good news.

Sabrina's going to be filming a movie in Georgia so tour has been postponed and I don't have to go to Georgia with Sabrina. I'm planning on going there for the last week of filming but that's it and that's not for another month. Ava doesn't know yet. I told Peyton yesterday when I found out and he was really excited. Neither of them wanted me to leave and I didn't want to leave again either.

So tour will start again in a month and a half instead of a week and a half and I'm really excited about that because me and Ava have only really known each other for a little while. It's only been three months even though it feels much longer then that for some reason. It's probably because we have done so much together.

Well that's not the only surprise that's coming up. After this upcoming tour I'm leaving. I don't know how long I'm leaving for. It might be for a year or it might be forever. I don't know yet.

I'm not telling Peyton or Ava about that yet because I'm going to keep it as a surprise until the very last show. The last show is in Fort Lauderdale and I'm going to make them come to it and announce it there and might even take them to Disney World while we're there.

I should have done this 5 years ago when Ava was born but I didn't and regret it so much now.

I'm going to Peyton's house now to tell Ava and she's also going to sleepover at my house again. Since no one is going to be home. Sabrina, my mom and dad are going to some little event thing tonight.

So it's just going to be me and Ava which rarely happens. Last time we were alone together she broke her arm. That was almost two months ago.

I arrive at there house and just walk in. Peyton let's me do that now. If this was a month ago I would be way to shy to do that and would knock and wait for Peyton or Ava to answer the door.

"Hey guys" I say.

"Hi mommy!" Ava says and comes over and hugs me.

"Hi Ava. I have good news for you" I say.

"Is it your birthday?" She asks.

"Nope. That's in two weeks" I say.

"Then what is it?" Ava asks.

"I don't have to go back on tour until December that's like around Christmas" I say.

"Yay! So do I get to come now?" She asks.

"Maybe for a little bit because you will have off from school for a while when I'm gone" I say.

"Daddy can I?" She asks Peyton.

"Maybe. We will have to look at the tour dates" He says.

"Yay!" She says.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah" She says.

Peyton hands me her bag.

"Bye daddy" She says.

"Bye Ava" He says and hugs her.

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