Chapter 114

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Sarah's POV:

Me, Peyton and Ava are having fun in Pennsylvania so far. On Thursday (the day after we got here) we kinda got lost in the woods. There wasn't any cell phone service so we couldn't GPS ourselves back to my house. We just walked around for a couple hours until we ended up in my neighbors backyard. Ava didn't like our walk in the woods. She said it was boring and that she would rather be inside watching tv. Friday we all went to Hershey Park. Ava really liked that and she ate a lot of chocolate. On Saturday we went to Philadelphia. We walked around there for a while. My dad likes all the historical stuff from the American Revolution there like the Liberty Bell, Betty White's house and Benjamin Franklin's grave. Stuff like that. Sunday we stayed home and relaxed and now it is Monday.

Today we are going to New York City. We were going to go to a national park in Pennsylvania but that plan got thrown out the window when we went on the walk in the woods. We are taking a train there for a couple of reasons. The first one being it is quicker to take a train then to drive. A train takes a hour and a half. Driving takes two hours without traffic. We also don't have to worry about finding parking spots and all that if we take the train. The train is also just more relaxing.

We got on the train at six and Ava slept the entire time. Me and Peyton talked.

"How did Ava get the nickname princess?" I ask. Ava was asleep on my lap right now. Me and Peyton were the only two on the train that were awake (Ava was sleeping and also another guy in the back who looks like he is on his way to work) We could pretty much talk about whatever we wanted.

He thinks for a minute probably trying to remember when and where he started calling her that. "She was three and we were at my old house doing something. I think we were coloring and she was doing a Disney princess one in her coloring book. She basically demanded to be called princess Ava for the rest of her life. So for the next week I would call her Ava and she would correct me. Then at some point early on it got shortened to princess and it just kinda stuck" He says. I love when he tells stories from when she was a baby.

Once we got there we wake Ava up. She was really excited. The first thing we did was get breakfast. We went to a little dinner.

"Are you excited to be New York?" Peyton asks Ava.

"Yeah" She says.

"Have you ever been here before?" I ask her.

"No. We learned about it in school though" She says.

"What did you learn?" Peyton asks.

"We learned about a big green lady" Ava starts. Peyton cut her off.

"That's the Statue of Liberty" He says.

"Yeah that's the girls name" Ava says. "We also learned that people would come off boats from far away places and see her." She says. "And then now you can go inside her and climb up really high" She says. "And the Eiffel Tower gave it to us" She adds.

"Yep that's all true" Peyton says.

"Did you learn anything else?" I ask.

"I learned that aunt Sabrina has a song where she says she only likes New York City at night" Ava says.

"Yeah she does. This is one's of her favorite places in the world" I say.

"It's mine too" Ava says.

"What else did you learn that isn't about aunt Sabrina?" Peyton asks. He likes knowing what she learns in school.

"There is this big house that is white and the president lives there" She says.

"That's the White House. That is in Washington DC" I say.

"We should go there" Ava says.

"I went to Washington DC right before your birthday" I say.

"Why didn't I come?" Ava asks.

"Because I didn't tell you about it. Me and aunt Sabrina did a concert there" I say. Back when I was still doing concerts with Sabrina and when I first came back into Ava's life we would do a concert here and there and me and Peyton wouldn't tell Ava. I would just leave for like two days then come back and she would have no idea.

"That's not nice" Ava says.

"I know" I say.

"Me and your mommy always talk about favorite memories. Do you have a favorite memory with us?" Peyton asks her.

"Yeah. My favorite day with you is when we went to Build A Bear and we both made toys and then you gave me your toy" Ava says to Peyton.

"That was a fun day" Peyton says.

"When was this?" I ask.

"It was about a year ago. That's the only thing she wanted to do for her preschool graduation so we did that and then got ice cream after" He says.

"And I got to eat gum" Ava says.

"Yes I let you chew gum for the first time" Peyton says. "Now what's your favorite memory with your mommy?" Peyton asks.

"When we went to the mall and she got me a dress and a smoothie" Ava says. That was right when we first met. I think it was only like the second time I saw her. "I lost the dress a long time ago" She says to me. She sounded guilty.

"I know. We left it at a hotel on tour" I say.

"It sounds to me that you just like getting stuff" Peyton says.

"I do" She says.

So here's what we did in the city. We went to M & M World. We were going to see the Statue of Liberty but the last ferry to the island already left before we go there. We saw the Empire State Building. We basically just did a lot of touristy stuff.

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