Chapter 113

141 17 1

Peyton's POV:

We are headed to Pennsylvania today. Sarah has been talking about wanting to bring Ava here for a couple months now. Ava came to Pennsylvania when she want on the Detour with them for a couple weeks but they didn't come to this part of Pennsylvania. They went to Pittsburgh that's about five hours from where they live.

Ava is really excited. She just likes going on airplanes, she doesn't care where she is going.

So now that the scene is set let's do a little time jump.

* * *

We just got to Pennsylvania. Ava is tried and hungry and just not in a good mood. Gonna have to bribe her with something once we get to the Carpenter house. Sarah is Sarah. Just kinda easy going and going with the flow. She is also used to the time changes so that helps. I'm fine.

"I'm tired" Ava complains as we are driving to the house.

"We will be there soon and then you can take a nap" Mr. Carpenter says.

"Ok" Ava says.

Right now Mr. C is driving. Shannon is in the passengers seat and me, Ava and Sarah are in the back. Ava is in the middle then Sarah is behind Shannon and I am behind her dad.

We get to the house and we all bring our bags inside and go up to our rooms. I haven't been in this house in a while. I think we came here twice before Ava was born.

Sarah showed us to her childhood bedroom.

"This is where I slept when I was a baby until I was like 14 years old. Then I went to California" Sarah says to Ava.

"And then started dating me two years later" I say.

"Yeah kinda scary to think I was only sixteen and you were nineteen" She says. Damn it's kinda scary to think me and Sarah have known each other for almost nine years now.

"Yeah" I say.

"Are we going to sleep in here?" Ava asks.

"Yeah or you can sleep in Sabrina's old room if you want. That's like a real little kids room" Sarah says.

"Let's go see that room" Ava says and takes Sarah's hand.

Sarah and Sabrina's rooms were connected so we went right through a door into Sabrina's room. Her room was a lot more kid like. She moved out of it when she was nine so that makes sense. 

"I like this room. I want to sleep in here" Ava says.

"You can sleep in here" Sarah says.

"Let's go see all the other rooms" Ava says.

Sarah takes us into Shannon's room. Shannon was in there unpacking. Her room is a lot more updated and not frozen in time like Sabrina and Sarah's room. She lives here so it makes sense. She has college posters and stuff up and it just looks like a room for a college student. She wants to become a doctor so it's a lot of schooling. She works part time as a nurse so that's a start. That is the first and last time I will be in her room this trip.

After Sarah shows us where her parents room is and the bathroom. We didn't go into her parents room.

Then we go downstairs. Her dad was down there cooking something. Yes we have been here for ten minutes and he is already cooking. She showed us the living room and kitchen and then we went to the basement. There is nothing really magical about the main basement. It's just a big open room with a couch and tv. The cool part is Sabrina's old recording studio her dad built for her when she was little. That was in the back of the basement in it's own little room.

After we go back upstairs and to the backyard. I really like there backyard. They live in like the middle of nowhere and so they have a lot of property. It's a kinda small backyard with a patio and a swing set (used to be Sarah, Sabrina and Shannon's when they were younger). Sarah's dad keeps saying he wants to get the swing set to California for Ava but they won't let him move it. Shannon says it has to stay there until they are all dead. The rest of the property is just all woods. Me, Sarah and Ava are going to go walking through the woods tomorrow. The part of Pennsylvania they live in is mainly just farmland. Sarah got Ava cowgirl boots for this trip so we will see how that city girl does in the country side.

Overall I think this will be a good trip.

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