Chapter 70

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A little 2 week time jump:

Sarah's POV:

It's tour time again. We have to do the whole getting ready process all over again because of Sabrina's pregnancy and the rescheduling because of the movie.

Sabrina came back from Atlanta three days ago. I stayed at Peyton's house the entire time which I loved. It was like we were living together.

We are leaving on Monday for the east coast then doing about 10 shows there. Then coming back to California in about a month.

We have to redo the tour rehearsals because Sabrina can't dance a lot anymore because of the baby. We are only doing two rehearsals. The tour also go shortened because of it. Normally we do a forty city tour. This time we are only doing a twenty five city tour and it's only in the US.

It's early November and Sabrina is about six weeks pregnant. She is going back to the doctor next month when we come back from tour.

So today is the day she is officially announcing it. Her and Corey have been holding it off for a little while even though everyone already knows. The fans have kinda calmed down with it since that article came out. Nobody really thinks it's true anymore because she hasn't announced anything.

So they need a picture to post the announcement so I get to do that. We are going to do it in our backyard because it will look kinda naturey. Corey's coming over today too.

I have planned out what I want to do. It will probably take five minutes. I want her to hold out the little sonogram picture we got at the last appointment and I'm going to blur out the background and everything but the picture but you will still be able to tell it's them.

Ava is going to come over today too. It will probably be the last or second to last time I see her before tour. She doesn't want me to go or actually she wants me to go and she just wants to come.

Me and Peyton haven't told her yet that I am leaving in a few days. She just always talks about how I'm not allowed to go to anymore concerts unless she is there. I think we just shouldn't tell her then after I leave tell her and also tell her that she is coming for a little while then. Peyton thinks we should tell her tonight when he comes to pick her up. I think it's a trail and error thing. We try both then see which one works better.

Me and Peyton have been talking and he thinks they might fly to Oregon since that where his sister lives then come back with us to do all the California shows. They will probably take a week and a half and he's willing to take her out of school for it. Then a week after that is Christmas break and she gets 2 weeks off for that so they might come with us to a few places for that too. I already asked Peyton to come to the last show in Florida and he said yes. So my whole revealing that I am leaving tour plan is coming along. Sabrina is staying off tour for a while after this one too so who really knows what is going to happen. We are still trying figure everything out.

So Ava gets dropped off and Corey comes about 10 minutes later.

"What are we doing today?" Ava asks.

"I'm going to take a few pictures of Corey and Sabrina. Then I need your help with something" I say.

"Ok" She says.

So the four of us go outside and I take a few pics. One was Corey and Sabrina standing together and Sabrina is holding the sonogram picture out. Then one of just Sabrina and another of just Corey. Those are going to get blurred out for the social media pics. Then I got one of Ava holding the picture pointing to the little dot that is the baby. I'm going to post that one after Sabrina and Corey post there pictures.

Once we were done Sabrina and Corey hangout in the living room for a little while and me and Ava go upstairs to my room.

"I got a new box and I need your help for it" I say.

"Ok" She says.

I go into my closet and pull the new box out. It was a light purple one. I was going to do a light pink one but that would look to much like Ava's box.

"What's this box for?" Ava asks.

"It's for Sabrina's baby. Want to help me label it?" I ask.

"Sure" She says.

"So for right now I'm just going to put a label that says Baby Fogelmanis since we don't know it's name yet" I say.

"Ok but why Fogelmanis?" She asks.

"That's Corey's last name" I say.

"Ok" She says.

I write baby Fogelmanis on the little tab it comes with.

"I'm going to change it once the baby comes to its real name" I say.

"Do you have any black and white pictures of me like this?" Ava asks.

"I should. Let me look for them. I know I kept them separate from all your other pictures" I say.

I go into my closet and start looking for them. I go through about two boxes then I find them in the GMW set box. I don't know why they were in there.

"Here they are" I say and take the entire box out.

"What's in this box?" She asks.

"These are all the pictures from on set of Girl Meets World" I say and put it in front of her.

"I want to see" She says. She takes the sonogram pics out and just kinda throws them to the side. She doesn't care about looking at pictures of herself. She likes looking at other people more.

I take out the first stack of pictures.

"These are all from season 1" I say.

So me and Ava basically spent the rest of the day looking at pictures. We saw the ones when she came and visited me on set when she was a baby. She liked those.

"Ava why do you like looking at pictures of other people so much?" I ask.

"I like seeing the people you know. I already know all the people daddy knows because he doesn't know a lot. But you know so many people and then one day I'll know them" She says.

"I get it" I say even though I really didn't. I think she means like she wants to meet all my friends and family.

She left about a hour later. Me and Peyton didn't tell her that I'm leaving yet. I honestly don't know when we or he is going to.

After she left Corey was already long gone. I edited the pictures of Corey and Sabrina and sent it to them.

Sabrina posted the picture of just her and captioned it, 'You're scared I'm nervous but I guess that we did it on purpose 👶' and she tagged Corey in one corner of the post and me in the other since I took the picture.

Corey posted the one of him and Sabrina. He captioned it 'Baby Fogelmanis coming June 2018. Can't wait to meet you.
Pic credit to @saricarpenter'
He also tagged Sabrina in it but he tagged her on the sonogram picture.

Then I posted the picture of Ava pointing to the picture and captioned it ' "Look mommy, there's my little cousin" ' and I tagged Sabrina and Corey.

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