Chapter 93

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Sarah's POV:

Today's Sabrina's party we they find out if it's a girl or a boy. I already know but I'm not telling before hand. It's just close family that is coming.

Everyone is wearing a shirt the color of what they want the baby to be. So pink if you want it to be a girl and blue of you want it to be a boy. Ava's wearing pink. Peyton doesn't care and went on this whole big rant last night on how no one should care what the baby is as long as it's happy, healthy and loved. It was annoying. Before we knew what Ava was all he talked about was her being a boy. He's wearing white. He was originally going to go with black. I made him change and put a white shirt on it just seemed better. My dad wants a girl and my mom wants a boy. Shannon wants a boy. She has always wanted a boy in the family. She wanted both me and Sabrina to be boys because she wanted brothers. Corey's mom is wearing pink and his dad is wearing blue. Then Corey's little sister, Baylee is wearing blue. Corey and Sabrina are wearing purple. I told them to because the parents aren't supposed to say what they want it to be. I'm wearing purple too because I know what the baby is.

Me, Sabrina and Corey got a text in a group chat today from Auggie saying the he is wearing pink and Ocean is wearing blue. He also said he can't wait to meet the baby. Auggie and Ocean weren't invited because it's just family. Even if they were invited they wouldn't be able to come because they aren't in the state at the moment. They are going to come to the baby shower. That's when all the friends are going to come even if it supposed to be a girl thing.

So basically how today is going to work. We are going to eat lunch. Me and my parents made it like a baby themed meal so like baby carrots and all that with some regular sized food of course. To reveal the gender we are doing the cutting open a cake thing. I got the cake made at a bakery and they came up with this idea to fill the cake with pink or blue colored sprinkles and M & M's and stuff like that. So when they cut the cake open it will all come pouring out. I loved that idea so that's what we are doing.

I'm getting Ava dressed now and then we're going over to my parents house.

"If aunt Sabrina's baby isn't a girl it's not going to be my cousin" Ava says as I am putting her shoes on.

"It's going to be your cousin no matter what it is" I say.

"Ok" Ava says.

The three of us leave the house and go to my parents house. We are going really early to help set up. I was basically put in charge of this party.

We get there and I help my mom set up. Peyton helps my dad with bigger jobs like hanging things up and doing tables and stuff. Ava helps by keeping Sabrina occupied upstairs because she can't see the party until it starts. It was really Sabrina keeping Ava entertained but that's not what we told Ava.

At like two o'clock Corey and his entire family arrive so basically everyone was here. Shannon came like five minutes later. They just wanted close family here.

We ate lunch and talked. It was just small talk. Me and Peyton got questions about the wedding and Sabrina got questions about where she is planning on living and her career and all that. Ava played with Baylee. She's thirteen and always playing with Ocean so she had fun playing with Ava. I don't think they have met before except when I brought Ava to set when she was a tiny baby.

At like four it was finally time to cut the cake. My mom goes and puts it on the table. Corey and Sabrina stood on one side then everyone crowded around them. Ava stood right next to Sabrina. She wanted that cake. I stood on the other side of the table to take videos and pictures.

The outside of the cake turned out nice. It was white frosting with pink and blue question marks and baby feet.

So Sabrina and Corey do the like bride and groom thing where they both cut the cake at the same exact time and a bunch of pink sprinkles and candies come spilling out. I got the video from a side angle so you could see everything come out.

Everyone cheers and Corey says, "It's a girl!" He sounded happy. Sabrina had this huge smile on her face. She was really happy. They kiss and I got it on video then stop it like two seconds later. I can get screen shots off the video later and I'm sure our families were taking pictures. So everyone was really happy that it is going to be a girl even if they wanted it to be a boy.

"I want the first piece" Ava says

"You can have the first piece since your the youngest" Sabrina says and takes out the piece they already cut and puts it on a plate.

"Yay" Ava says when she gets the piece (which was pretty big) and she goes and sits at a table.

"Baylee that means your get the second piece since your the second youngest" Sabrina says and hands her a piece.

"Awesome. Thanks" Baylee says and goes to sit with Ava.

Then Sabrina's gives cake to everyone else. About ten minutes after Ava finished she was on a major sugar rush. Baylee didn't get to finish her cake and Ava said "Come with me" and pulled her arm and she's been making her chase her around the back yard ever since. They were having fun.

Time jump to after the party:

Me, Peyton and Ava just got home. Ava fell asleep in the car and just woke up like two minutes ago. She really only got like a 10 minute nap.

"I'm going upstairs. Sabrina wants me to get the pictures as soon as possible and wants that video to stay off the internet" I say. She doesn't want the video on the internet because her and Corey kissed in it. They "are not dating" but they act just like a couple and kids a lot.

"Ok" Peyton says.

"I want to come" Ava says.

We go upstairs and go on to my laptop that was sitting next to the bed.

We watch the video over two times just so I know which picture I should take out of it. On the second time watching it I noticed Ava putting her finger in the cake.

"You stuck your finger in the cake" I say.

"I know. Aunt Sabrina and Corey were taking too long to cut it" She says. It was actually kinda cute. She looks up at Sabrina to see if she's watching. Then she sticks her entire finger in the side making a hole in the cake. (Lots of people commented something about that on Instagram that night)

I got a few pictures of before they got the cake, some during when the filling came out and then there reactions. I also got two pictures of Ava sticking her finger in the cake.

I sent them all the Sabrina and Corey. I didn't put any filters or anything on them. I figured they could do that themselves.

Sabrina sent back: That's what that hole was. I thought that was how they got all the sprinkles in there 😂

So about ten minutes later they each posted a picture on Instagram.

Sabrina captioned it: See you soon baby girl 🎀
And Corey caption his: Baby Fogelmanis 💗

Floods of comments saying congrats, they can't wait for the baby to be born, a few on Sabrina's saying "Wait your pregnant??" And some people were just commenting pink emojis.

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