Chapter 26

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{I was reading this chapter to edit it and was cringing the entire time. I absolutely hate it. I couldn't even finish editing it. I made my co writer and best friend glee_fan_page234 edited this. She is going to be writing a few upcoming chapters of this book (I'll let you guys know which ones) and my other one Lucky. I am co writing a story with her on her account so you can go check that out if you want.

On a totally different note. I just got adobe photoshop for my birthday (October 10th) So lots of Fate manip edits are coming and I can't wait for you too see them}

Peyton's POV:

After Sabrina closed the door Sarah got out of her car.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah. Let's go" I say.

We both get in my car and I start driving.

"Did you tell Ava?" Sarah asks.

"I told her that I'm going out on a date. I just didn't tell her with who" I say.

"Ok. I would rather have her not know" She says.

"Me too" I say.

We talked the rest of the ride. We agreed not to talk about Ava the entire time. Probably won't happen but we can try. It's just like a common thing between us.

We get to the restaurant and sit at a table for two. We order our food and start talking

"So we barley know anything about each other" Sarah says.

"Yes we do. We did date for two years" I say.

"Not really. That was five years ago. We never talk unless it's setting up plans for me taking Ava and it's always through text so it's not really talking. We don't talk about each other. It always about her." She says.

"Ok. So what do you want to know?" I ask.

"Umm" She starts and thinks for a few seconds probably trying to remember something from when we were dating "Still like Star Wars?" She asks.

"Yeah if I could watch it but it's mostly princesses and unicorns now" I say.

"Do you ever find time to yourself?" She asks

"Rarely. Now it's my turn to ask you a question" I say. 

"Go" She says.

"Still like photography?" I ask.

"Yeah. I go lots of places so I'm always taking pictures" She says.

"When's the next time Sabrina goes on tour?" I ask.

"She is doing a few shows here and there but we will only be away for a day or two. A real tour where we are gone for a few months will probably be in like mid October" She says.

"Ava had fun when she went on tour with you. She has talked about it everyday since then" I say.

"Good but tonight's about us not Ava" She says.

"Yeah I know but it's kinda hard not to talk about her. It's what we have in common" I say.

"Ok so then let's talk about her" She says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah. What's your favorite memory with her?" Sarah asks.

"Oh my god there are so many" I say then think for a few seconds "I know. This one is kinda stupid but I find it funny. It was the day we moved into the house we're living in now and she never saw it before. We walked in and she did the biggest gasp I ever heard a 2 year old do. She was so excited and happy. She tried to convince me to give her the master bedroom because it's bigger and she has more stuff then me. She chose where she wanted everything in her room to go. I was only allowed to put it where she wanted it. I couldn't help her make decisions on where things should be so her room has looked like a mess since the day we moved in. It was the most excited I have ever seen her in her life except one other day" I say.

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