Chapter 40

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Ava's POV:

"It's my party day! It's my party day" I yell walking into daddy's room. I like waking him up. It's funny.

Mommy slept over again last night to help all day with the party. Mommy slept in daddy's bed with daddy.

Mommy and daddy both sit up when they hear me.

"Good morning Ava" They both say.

"Good morning" I say and jump on daddy's lap on my knees. He doesn't like when I do that. He says it hurts.

"Does she do this every morning?" Mommy asks and daddy moves me over so I'm in between them.

"Any mornings I don't wake up before she does" He says.

"It's my party day! Let's go set up because my friends will be here soon!" I say.

"Your friends won't be here for another seven hours and you need to eat breakfast first" Daddy says.

"Ok" I say and climb off daddy's bed and mommy and daddy get out of bed but don't come downstairs until a couple minutes later.

I go downstairs and I take Teddy out of his crate. I don't like putting him in there but daddy says we have to so we can crate train him. Teddy comes running out of it and jumps on me.

"Hi Teddy! Today is party day and you get to meet all my friends!" I say.

Mommy and daddy come down and a few minutes later and daddy starts cooking breakfast.

Daddy's puts the food on the table and we start eating. I drop a little piece of bacon on the floor for Teddy because he was sitting next to me crying.

"Ava don't do that" Daddy says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because then he'll keep begging for more and more food and stop eating his dog food and won't be healthy" Daddy says.

"Ok" I say.

We finish breakfast and now we can set up for party day!

"Do you and Ava want to go and get the balloons and her outfit?" Daddy asks mommy.

"Sure" Mommy says.

"Don't set anything up without me" I tell daddy.

"Ok. I won't" He says.

Me and mommy went back to the party store to get the balloons and a few more party supplies. We got so many balloons that I probably could have flown away if I held them.

"How many balloons did we get?" I ask.

"Twenty seven" Mommy says.

"That's a lot of balloons" I say

Then we go back to the mall to get my party outfit. The same guy was there that drew the shirt for me.

"Hi guys. Here to pick up the Trolls shirt?" He asks.

"Yeah! It's for my birthday party!" I say.

"Here you go" He says and hands it to me.

"Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome. Have fun at your party and happy birthday" He says.

"Thank you" I say.

Then me and mommy go home. I walk inside holding my shirt and mommy held the balloons.

"Hi daddy. We got everything. Did you set anything up?" I ask.

"Nope. I did nothing but play with Teddy" He says.

"Good" I say.

After that we could finally start setting up for party day.

"Want to get the fold up tables from the garage and do those first?" Daddy asks mommy.

"Sure" Mommy says. Mommy says sure a lot.

"What can I do to help?" I ask.

"Want to open the bags to the table cloths?" Daddy asks.

"Sure" I say. That's Mommy's word. I go to the table in the kitchen and start opening the bags. Teddy was sitting on the floor next to me.

"I don't have any food but if I did I would give it to you since daddy isn't here" I say to Teddy.

There were 6 table cloths. I learned how to count in kindergarten. While I was opening the table cloths mommy and daddy kept bring long tables through the house to the back yard. Grandma, daddy's mommy brought them over yesterday for the party. I'm going to see her later.

After that we all went outside and mommy and daddy put the table cloths on the tables. I just sat in a fold up chair and waited for them to finish. There wasn't anything for me to do so I went into the garage and took a piece of candy out of the piñata.

Once they finished me and mommy got to tie balloons everywhere. Daddy put the chairs at the table for me and all my friends to sit at. We went outside and put some on the mail box, we put the ones with Poppy on it on the table using weights and my big five one went on the back of my chair. Then we put a bunch of pink, blue and orange balloons on the deck and on the fences.

"Mommy want to hear a secret?" I ask her.

"Sure" She says.

"I took a piece of candy from the piñata. Don't tell daddy" I say.

"Ok. I won't" Mommy says and laughs.

After the balloons we set up a few games and the big movie screen and put the popcorn machine on the side of it.

Teddy was inside while we were setting up. Daddy said Teddy can only stay outside during the beginning of the party and when we watch the movie. He didn't want all the kids to hurt him.

So now we finished setting up the party, mommy brought me upstairs and put my shirt and tutu on me. Now we have a little while before my friends start coming.

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