Chapter 7

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Peyton's POV:

If the next day and me and Ava both slept late today. I woke up around 10 and she woke up at 10:30. We are both normally up by 8 so it's considered late for us.

We were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

"Daddy I have a question" Ava says.

"What's is it?" I ask.

"How come after the show you told Sarah that I am still hers" She asks.

I didn't know how to answer it. I could lie or I could just tell her the truth. After a minute I decided to make up a lie because I want Sarah to be there when I tell her the truth.

"Um I meant that the picture is hers because she was in it" I say.

"Oh" She says and sounded a little disappointed.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. I was just thinking that Sarah could be my mommy" She says.

I really didn't know how to respond to that. It's not going to be long until Ava is able to put it together that she is Sarah's daughter. It's pretty easy to figure out just by looking at the 2 of them. The brown hair and blue eyes and just the facial features. Not to mention social media. All she has to do is google who her mom is.

"She's not your mom" I say.

"Then who is?" She asks and she sounds like she is about to cry.

"I'll tell you one day soon, I promise" I say.

"Ok. Does my mommy love me?" She asks.

"I know she does and I think she misses you" I say.

"Then why does she never come see me?" Ava asks.

"Because your mommy is really busy with work and she has to go to far away places as apart of her job. She'll be back soon. I promise" I say. I wouldn't normally promise that but after seeing Sarah last night I think it's pretty safe to say something is going to change.

"Ok" Ava says and finishes her breakfast.

After that we go on into the living room and Ava's plays and watches some cartoons.

I decide to text Sarah because I hate having to lie and hide from Ava who her mom is.

Me: Hey are you still in California?
Sarah: Yeah. Why?
Me: Can we meet somewhere today to talk?
Sarah: Yeah. Want to meet at the diner at 1?
Me: Yeah. I'll see you then.
Sarah: Ok. See you soon.

"Ava, Do you want to go to grandma's for a little while today?" I ask.

"Yeah! I love going to grandmas!" She says.

At 12 we go into her room and I get her dressed. Then I go into my room and get dressed.

We get in the car and start driving to my mom's house. I texted her after I texted Sarah to see if she could watch Ava and she said she can.

We get to her house and Ava rings the doorbell.

"Hi guys. Come in" She says and we both walk in.

"How was the concert?" She asks Ava.

"I loved it!" Ava says.

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