Chapter 34

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{There's officially less the 10 chapters until I post my favorite character. I can't wait for you guys to read it. It should be posted November 16th}

Ava's POV:

I just got on the bus to go to school. I sat next to Auggie and Ocean.

"Are you excited for school?" Ocean asks.

"Yeah! I can't wait" I say.

"You were the last person to get picked up which means you'll be the first person to get dropped off later" Auggie says.

"Ok" I say.

"Who's your teacher?" Ocean asks.

"Miss. Rose" I say.

"That was my teacher in kindergarten! I'll show you were her class room is when we get inside" Auggie says.

"Ok. Do a lot of your friends from the party go to this school?" I ask.

"No. Most of them are home schooled. I was homeschooled when we were shooting Girl Meets World and then I went to regular when we weren't" Auggie says.

"Ok" I say.

We get to the school and it looked so big! We get out of the bus and a couple of adults show us to the door.

"Come with me" Auggie says and he holds my hand and Ocean's hand.

He brings us down the hall a little then we go into a classroom. The class only had two kids in it so far.

"Hi Miss. Rose" Auggie says.

"Hi Auggie. How was your summer?" She asks.

"It was good. This is my friend Ava. She's in your class this year" Auggie says.

"Hi Ava" She says.

"Hi Miss. Rose" I say.

"I've known her since she was born" Auggie says.

"Wow. You've been friends for a really long time" Miss. Rose says.

"Yeah. We'll see you later. Bye Ava" Auggie says.

"Bye Ava" Ocean says.

"Bye" I say.

"Ava do you want to put your backpack on this hook then take a seat next to that little girl?" Miss Rose says and points to a girl with blonde hair. She was wearing a really pretty dress.

"Sure" I say. I go and put my backpack on the hook that said my name on it then I sit at the table next to the little girl. She had a really big smile on her face.

"Hi I'm Everleigh" She says.

"I'm Ava" I say.

"Want to be best friends?" She asks.

"Yeah!" I say.

"Yay!" She says and we hug each other.

After that all the kids started coming in. There were so many. I thought there would only be like 5 kids but there was like 30.

I only learned one other boys name. He sat next to me on the other side. His name was Jackson.

"Hi class. I am Miss. Rose. I will be your kindergarten teacher" She says. None of the kids were really talking. "I have big index cards here that I folded in half. I want you guys to write your name on one side and draw your favorite animal in your favorite color on the other side" She says. "Can I have someone help me hand out the index cards?" She asks.

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