Chapter 103

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Peyton's POV:

Ava's room is getting cut open today. If you remember a couple weeks ago two guys came over and did a estimate to put a expansion on the house. They finished the basement yesterday. That was a three day job and they said it wasn't very hard.

Ava is going to be at school and Sarah is going to Sabrina's while construction starts. So it will just be me here today.

I've been wanting to get the house expanded for a while now and now that Sarah is here full time I finally have a reason to. My two reasons are, if we have another kid I would want it to have it's own room. We could just move but that's too much work. And we need a second bathroom and second little like hangout room. So once this construction is done we will have three. We will have the living room, the basement and the den that is getting built.

"Alright we are almost ready to start." One's of the construction guys says.

"Let's do it" I say.

So they cut out basically the entire back side of the house and then spent the rest of the day cleaning up the debris. It wasn't bad, a little noisy but it's just gonna get worse.

Tomorrow they are going to start building the frames and stuff. They put plastic over the holes where they cut for weather purposes and I guess so Ava will know not to go near there. In a few days that will be gone and they will have built the basic frame.

At around 3:30 Ava gets home from school. Sarah picked her up since she was going to pass it anyway.

"Did they make a big hole in the house today?" She asks when she comes in.

"Yeah. Do you want to go see it?" I ask.

"Yeah let's go" She says and runs upstairs.

Me, her and Sarah go up to Ava's room.

"That's so cool" Ava says.

"It is pretty cool but you have to stay away from there. If you fall off you can get hurt" I say.

"I will" She says.

"Your going to sleep with me in daddy's bed while that big whole is there" Sarah says.

"Where's daddy going to sleep?" Ava asks.

"Probably on the couch" I say.

"Have fun" Ava says

The rest of the day was pretty normal, dinner, bath and bed. The only thing different was different sleeping arrangements.

{Sorry for such a short chapter! I am going to publish 104 later so stay tuned}

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