Chapter 121

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Sarah's POV:

We just got to Paris. The plane ride was about eleven hours and we slept for a majority of it. It is now 3:30am which is 6:30pm California time. The time change wasn't pretty and we are just sitting here wide awake in our hotel room. Peyton is trying to google places to go eat but since it's three thirty in the morning nothing is open.

"Alright. I found a bakery that we can go to but it opens at five in the morning. That's the earliest I could find and it's about a mile away. Everything else opens at six" He says.

"That is perfect" I say.

"What do you want to do for the next hour and a half?" He asks.

"We still need to read our vows to each other" I say.

Me and Peyton agreed that we would read our vows to each other on the honeymoon at some point. We decided to do it in private instead of in front of a big crowd because we thought it would be more personal.

"Let's do it now then." He says.

"You go first" I say.

"Alright. I wrote it down. Let me go get it" He says and gets off the bed. He goes into his suitcase that he hasn't opened yet since we just got here and pulls out a little piece of folded paper. He then comes and sits back down across from me.

"I'm not gonna lie, I copied most of this from the internet but I thought it applied well to us." He says.

"I'm totally fine with that" I say. I tried to my best to stay off the internet. It was hard but I did it.

"Alright here is goes. I choose you, to be no other then yourself. Loving what I know of you and trusting who you will become. I will respect and honor you always and in all ways. I take you to be my wife to have and to hold. In tears and in laughter. In sickness and in health. To love and cherish from this day forward. In this world and in the next" He says.

"I love it and I love you" I say and give him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you too" He says after to kiss. "Now it's your turn"

Before I read mine I should probably tell you the story on how me and Peyton met. So I had just moved from Pennsylvania. I was fifteen and he was eighteen. Totally not illegal, right? So his little sister was having a birthday party. She just turned fourteen. Our birthdays are a week apart so I just turned fifteen. I got invited to her birthday party. I think I talked to her once on the first day of school and that was it until the birthday party. I think I was invited mainly out of pity because I was the new kid. Anyway, me and Peyton were both the outsiders at that party. I was the new kid who knew no one and he was the eighteen year old brother that no one cared about. So we basically just hung out and talked all night and then a year later started dating. And yes, Acacia loves to take credit for our relationship.

"You ready?" I ask him.

"Yeah" He says.

"Alright" I say and straighten out the piece of folded paper. "I wrote this like a letter" I say. "Dear Peyton, we have known each other for almost ten years now and-" I was cut off by him.

"It has not been ten years" He says.

"Yeah it has. I met you when I turned fifteen. I'm twenty four now. I'll be twenty five in October" I say.

"Jesus, thanks for making me feel old. You can continue" He says. I laugh a little.

"I'm restarting" I say.

"Go for it" He says.

"Dear Peyton, we have known each other for almost ten year now and although it has not been all sunshine and rainbows I'm glad we made it to this place. It feels like I have known you were the one since I met you at fifteen. I love you and I love our daughter and anyone else who wants to join our life along the way. I know you hear this a lot but I am truly sorry for everything I have done and everything I have put you through. I'm just glad there are no hard feels. Thank you for everything" I say.

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