Chapter 33

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Peyton's POV:

"It's my first day of school! It's my first day of school!" Ava sings loudly while marching into my bedroom.

I wake up and look at the time. It was 4:30 in the morning.

"It is your first day of school but school doesn't start for another 5 hours. Now go back to bed" I say and she jumps on to my bed.

"But I can't go to sleep. I'm too excited!" She says.

"But you have too. They don't let kids that don't sleep go to school" I say. That was a lie but I figured it would make her go back to sleep.

"Ok. I'll go back to sleep" She says.

"Ok. Goodnight Ava" I say.

"But I'm only going to sleep in your bed because it's bigger" She says.

"Fine" I say and she lays down next to me.

"And it's good morning actually" She says.

"Good morning" I say and we both fall back asleep.

At 8:30 I woke Ava up and she was very excited. I get her dressed then we go downstairs and I make her breakfast.

"I can't wait to go on a big bus" She says.

"Your going to have a lot of fun today" I say.

Sarah is going to be here in a couple minutes to watch Ava get on the bus. Ava doesn't know so it's gonna be a surprise.

There was a knock on the door and Ava asks, "Is that the bus driver?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go look?" I say.

She goes and opens the door and it was Sarah.

"Hi mommy!" Ava says and was more excited that normal.

"Hi Ava! Are you excited for school?" She asks.

"Yeah! I'm really excited!" She says.

We have about 10 minutes until the bus comes.

"Ready to go to the bus stop?" I ask. The bus stop is right outside the house.

"Yeah!" She says.

I pick up her backpack which was really heavy from all the school supplies. She has a Descendants backpack I'm shocked she didn't want Trolls since that's her favorite. The three of us go outside and take some pictures of her. You know, Sarah and her pictures. Then we wait for the bus.

About 2 minutes later it comes.

"Bye daddy. Bye mommy" She says and runs on the bus not even giving us a hug or anything.

"Bye" We say and she goes and sits next to Auggie and Ocean.

We wave to all three of them then the bus drives away.

"How was she this morning?" Sarah asks.

"She woke up at the ass crack of dawn yelling 'It's my first day of school' over and over again" I say.

"That must have been fun" Sarah says.

"It was. She's funny at 4:30 in the morning"
I say.

After that Sarah leaves and I go back inside. I can't wait to find out how her first day of school went.

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