Chapter 97

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{This is like a month time jump. I want to move the storyline along. Posting on a Sunday for Peyton's birthday. Happy birthday Peyton💕}

Peyton's POV:

It's Ava's spring break. Her kindergarten year is just flying by. She only has two months left and then it's summer. This break isn't about Ava. It's about Sabrina. Sabrina just signed on her new house and it is officially hers.

Me and Corey spent all of last week painting the entire house. It's a brand new, just built house and was probably just painted less then six months ago and didn't have to be repainted but Sabrina hated all the colors. I liked getting to talk to Corey. We rarely get to talk by ourselves.

Today me and Corey are basically bringing all the boxes from the moving truck into her house and her and Sarah are going to unpack. I think it's really going to be Sarah unpacking and Sabrina telling her where to put everything. I think they also plan on going shopping for stuff she's going to need.

We also have couch guys delivering couches and furniture today and cable guys setting that up. It's going to be a busy day. Me and Corey are probably going to have to set all the furniture up

Me, Sarah and Ava get to her new house and go inside. Sabrina and Corey were already there with her mom and dad. The moving truck is on it's way.

The baby furniture that they bought the day they went to the store was already there and in the baby's room. Me, Corey and Ava go upstairs to start setting that up. Ava wanted to come up to see the room. It was really just pink with a white carpet and had some big boxes in it.

Once she looks in the room she starts wondering around the house. She hasn't been here before and it's really big so there's a lot to explore.

Me and Corey started by setting up the crib. The instructions for the crib was the most confusing thing I have ever seen. I thought Ava's little lego sets were bad until I saw this. I remember Ava's crib was like screw this piece into this piece and you were halfway done. It was so easy I did it all by myself. The instructions were step by step in like a booklet. These instructions for this was just crammed onto one sheet.

"Have you figured out what your doing once the baby is born?" I ask

"I haven't told anyone this expect Maha, Auggie and Ocean but I just bought a house three houses away from them. So it's in the same neighborhood as you" He says

"I thought your parents didn't want you moving out yet" I say

"They don't but I'm not listening to them. I'm eighteen I can do whatever I want within reason and moving out is one of those things" He says

"I was eighteen when I moved out. It was right after my senior year ended." I say

"Don't tell anyone. I don't want anyone finding out until after I move in. I don't want my parents finding out and stopping me before it happens" He says

"I won't tell anyone. When are you moving in?" I ask

"I don't know yet. Hopefully soon" He says

It took almost two hours to set just the crib up. Once we were done we called Sabrina upstairs to find out where she wants us to put it.

She comes into the room and looks around "That's all you've done in two hours. We are already done with the living room and are now moving on to the kitchen" She says

"You bought the worst crib ever." Corey says

"Why? What's wrong with it?" She asks

"Look at these instructions" Corey says and hands it to her.

"And Sarah, your mom and dad are done with the living room. I can guarantee you've done nothing" I say

"Yeah that's true I shouldn't be talking" She says and hands him back the instructions. "Put it right here" She says and points to the area in between the closet and the door then goes back downstairs

We then set up the changing table which was the same brand and had instructions just as confusing as the cribs. That took about an hour and a half. This time Sarah was with her to tell us where to put it and they just kept changing their minds on where they wanted it to go. Me and Corey probably moved it at least 8 times back and forth from where Sabrina wanted it and where Sarah wanted it. I swear they do it on purpose just to bother us.

All of us ate lunch. Then me and Corey went back upstairs to finish. Sarah, Sabrina and Ava left to go get pictures and picture frames to put up. We set up the rocking chair. That took about half an hour. Their parents stayed downstairs and did some things down there.

"Is it just me or is it really awkward and uncomfortable being in the same house as Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter after impregnating there daughters?" Corey asks.

"Your not alone. I felt the same way from the second they found out about Ava till Sarah left. It was the only good thing about Sarah leaving. That feeling left with her" I say.

"It really just feels like there judging me in there heads and I hate it" He says.

"I know the feeling and trust me there not. There more concerned with the baby's well being then what we did" I say.

"I should probably listen to you. You went through this whole thing already" He says.

So basically we spent the whole day setting up Sabrina's house. We set up her bedroom so she could sleep here tonight. Her mom and dad already left and Corey just left. So now me, Ava and Sarah are still here. It's about six and we are leaving now.

"Bye aunt Sabrina" Ava says.

"Bye Ava" Sabrina says and gives her a hug.

"Bye" Sabrina and Sarah say to each other then hug.

"If you get scared call us" I say.

"I will. Bye thank you" She says and the three of us leave.

We weren't even two minutes down the road when Sarah gets a phone call from Sabrina.

"She said she's scared and wants us to go back" Sarah says.

I turn the car around and we go back to Sabrina's house.

We go inside and she was in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"There's something outside the window in my room" She says.

"I'll go look" I say. I go upstairs and they follow behind me. They stay in the hallway and I go into the room and look out the window. It was just two squirrels playing or fighting.

"It's just some squirrels. Everything is fine" I say.

"Oh" Sabrina says and looks out the window as well.

"Do you need us to stay here tonight?" I ask.

"No. I called Corey he's going to stay with me tonight" She says.

"Ok. We'll see you soon then" I say. They also say goodbye again and leave.

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