Chapter 50

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{I just released a new Peyrah story. It's called "The Dare" basically Peyton gets dared by his friends to ask Sarah to marry him. I posted the first chapter on Tuesday}

Peyton's POV:

Today me, Sarah and Ava are doing a interview. Last time me and Sarah did a interview together Ava was 3 months old and we broke up like two days after. We got in a fight (again) the day before we broke up then broke up the next day. We absolutely hated each other at that interview and couldn't call it off so we had to put on a show for it. There were a few death glares when the interviewer wasn't looking. She stepped on my foot once on purpose because I said something that offended her. It was a total shit show. I can't believe it's still on the internet. That's when people started suspecting that something was going wrong. Ava wasn't there. She was home with Sarah's mom and dad.

Today will definitely be going better. Ava is coming with us and actually do the interview with us. Since we announced that we were dating again fans have been really excited and the same interview place wanted us to do another one. I was very shocked by that.

Me, Sarah and Ava went together to the place. We go inside and check in then go to the third floor.

We go in the interview room and there's 3 chairs set up with another chair and the camera next to it.

The three of us sit down and the lady sits down in front of us. Her name is Jane. She interviewed us last time me and Sarah were here.

"Hi guys" She says as the camera starts.

"Hi" The three of of say.

"You three have grown so much since last time." She starts. "Especially you" She says about Ava. Ava wasn't here last time. I guess she was referring to pictures or something.

"Thank you" Ava says.

"So let's just jump right into it. How did this whole reunion start?" She asks.

"Ava came to ones of Sabrina's shows in July and the whole reconnecting started there. She didn't know I was her mom at the time. Then about a week later we told her" Sarah says

"She went back on tour with you once you told her. How was that?" She asks.

"It was fun" Ava says.

"I had fun bringing her. She got to bond with my family and bandmates which I think was the most important thing" Sarah says.

"It must have been awesome. What did you do the two weeks she was gone?" Jane asked me.

"Nothing interesting. I went to work came home. I organized and cleaned the house a little bit. And that was about it" I say.

"I heard Ava broke her arm. How did that happen?" She asks. That's a Sarah question.

"I was jumping on the couch and I fell off" Ava says.

"She was at my house and we were about to watch a movie. I left the room to get popcorn and she was jumping from couch to couch. So I hear her scream. Then I took her to the hospital and all that." Sarah says.

"We later on found out the she missed the edge of the couch and she put her arms out to break her fall. All her body weight crushed her right arm and it snapped. They checked her other arm and it was fine" I say.

"Did it hurt?" She asks Ava.

"Yeah. I cried then stopped crying and then cried again" Ava says.

"So from Ava and Sarah reconnecting did you two reconnect as well. She asks me and Sarah. I personally think this was Ava and Sarah's first time connecting since how much of a bind can you have with a three month old baby. This is me and Sarah's reconnecting.

"Yeah. We became closer during this whole thing. Then started dating a couple weeks ago" I say.

"That's great." She says.

So we answered a few more questions then left. This time definitely went better then last time.

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