Chapter 79

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{This chapter is probably somewhere in my top five when it comes to favorites. I should really make a list. There is a really cute Peyrah scene at the end}

Peyton's POV:

Tonight is the last night of the tour. I'm excited because Sarah will be back for a long time. Ava's excited too because she just wants Sarah with her forever.

The tour bus got to Fort Lauderdale late last night. Me and Sarah slept in the same bunk. Ava was not happy about that. She wanted to sleep in the same bunk as Sarah. We all woke up at about 9am.

We are breakfast. Then we walked around where the venue was for a little while. Sabrina, Sarah and the rest of the band didn't have to there until 12

At twelve we go and Sabrina does her sound check and meet and greet. She was done by one thirty.

For that hour and a half me, Ava and Sarah hung out in the dressing room.

We waited around for a long time. The concert doesn't start until seven. We left the venue once and walked around the town a little more.

Finally seven o'clock rolled around and the open acts went on. Me and Ava sat and watched.

At eight Sarah and the rest of the band went on and Sabrina came out five minutes later.

The concert went pretty much like the rest of them. Me and Ava sat backstage and watched. Sabrina did her typical routine. Ava went on to sing All We Have Is Love. That has been her song for this tour. Last time is was Wildside now it's this.

At the end of the concert Sabrina always introduces her band.

"Give a huge round of applause for my sister, Sarah Carpenter for her last show ever"
Sabrina says. The crowd was pretty quiet compared to how they normally are. Still a lot of clapping and cheering though. I guess they weren't expecting that. I wasn't expecting that. She's really leaving tour forever?

Sabrina announces the rest of the band and then herself. "And my name is Sabrina Carpenter. I'll see you in 2019" She says and runs off the stage.

Two minutes later Sarah comes off the stage.

"Surprise" She says.

"Your really living the concerts forever?" Ava asks and sounded very excited.

"Forever" Sarah says.

"Yay!" Ava says.

"Your really leaving?" I ask.

"Yep. I'm done. Sabrina's taking a break. I figured it was a good time to leave. It's mostly for Ava but it's also for you too" She says.

"So what comes next?" I ask.

"I don't know. I definitely want to move out of my parents house and get my own place. Career wise I don't know and yeah. I have nothing else planned" She says.

"Why don't you come move in with us" I say.

"Really?" She asks.

"Really?" Ava asks and sounded a lot more excited then asking a question.

"Yeah." I say.

"Sure. I would love to" She says.

"We can talk about it more when we get home" I say.

"Ok" She says.

We go to the dressing room and get everything we need to get. Then go into the tour bus where we will be for the next two days.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm sleeping for the next two days" Sabrina says.

"You need it" Sarah says.

So that's basically what everyone did. Everyone got into there bunks and went to bed. Me and Sarah slept in the same bunk then Ava slept in the one next to us.

So it was probably like one in the morning and everyone was asleep. I wasn't but my eyes were closed. I've been trying to fall asleep for at least an hour now.

I'm starting to dose off then I hear Sarah say something in a whisper so quiet that even I could barley hear it.

"Your cute when your asleep" She starts and was definitely talking to me.

"Of course I can't tell you that when your awake. Ava's always around. I can barley kiss you too. I don't know why. We can talk and laugh for hours on end but when it comes down to the cute couple stuff like that we're just bad at it. We used to be good at it last time we dated but that was a long time ago. We've changed a lot since then, that's probably why. It's also why I'm excited to move in with you. More alone time with you and then also more alone time with her. I'm sorry I left. I know I say it a lot but I really am sorry. I should apologize to her too but I don't think she would get it yet. Maybe in a couple years." She says then I cut her off. I open my eyes and she looked very embarrassed.

"Don't be sorry. I know you see it as a bad thing but I see it as a good thing and Ava sees it as just some thing that happened. I see it as a good thing because it brought the three of us closer. If you didn't leave Ava wouldn't be on top of you 24/7 and probably loves you more because she has had less time with you. I think it brought us closer too. Like you said we talk for hours on end." I say in a whisper.

"I love you" She says.

"I love you too" I say and give her a quick peck on the lips.

And with that we went to bed.

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