Chapter 91

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{So I got the idea for this chapter from a place I went over the summer. They are called Caverns and they are basically underground caves and you get tours through them and it's really cool. I'm going to put a picture of the one I went to down below. It was called Howes Cavern in upstate New York. The cavern in this story isn't going to be at that particular cavern but everything I saw or remember will be included in this chapter. So you'll get to learn about that particular one. Here's the pic:

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I didn't take this pic. It's just one from the website}

Sarah's POV:

Today me, Peyton, and a lot of our family and friends are going to some under ground place. It's called a cavern. It's literally just a cave that they put a bunch of colored lights in and it looks really cool. I don't know, Peyton found this place and said we're all going. It's supposed to be really cold. It's 52 degrees year round. Me, Peyton, Ava, Sabrina, Corey, Rowan, my mom and my dad are going. We are going on a basic tour. Peyton said if we went in any other type of tours we wouldn't be able to bring Ava because she is too little.

We arrive at the place and all of us meet inside. We take a elevator over 100 feet underground. It was about a ten minute wait to get into a elevator. Peyton got us a private tour. Normally it's a group of thirty that go together.

Everyone was acting a little strange and overly happy and all over me. They are normally all over Sabrina. Peyton seemed a little nervous and not himself once we got here. Rowan and Sabrina had there arms interlocked with mine the entire time as we walked through. My mom and dad were walking behind us and Peyton and Corey were walking in front of us. Then Ava was walking next to the tour guide and they were in front of all of us.

"Ok so all the rock in here is limestone. This caved got made by water. The water has broken down the limestone which has made this whole cave. Scientists think this particular cavern started 6 million years ago with just a small little crack underground and has now grown to a 3 mile long cave. It will continue to grow as long as the water keeps coming through" The tour guide says.

The place looked awesome. There was a little stream of water on the right and all rocks on the left. The little stream was at least five feet down from where we were. There was a railing so no one would fall.

"Are there any animals down here?" Ava looks up and asks the tour guide.

"There are some bats down here. We probably won't see any because this part of the cave is all lit up. Then every once in a while a fish might end up in the water" He tells her.

"Ok" She says.

The group stops and the tour guide starts talking again.

"So there are two types of limestone. One is inactive that is the one to your left. That no longer has a water source so it won't grow. Then on your right where the water is, is active limestone. That will continue to grow until it no longer has water" He says.

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