Chapter 66

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{I hate writing Disneyland chapters so much. I don't know why. So this chapter will probably be really rushed just to get to the good part}

Peyton's POV:

It's Sarah's birthday. Ava has been talking about today none stop since probably early August.

Last night Sarah slept over because her family is all on the east coast at the moment. She slept in my bed with me. Ava slept in her own bed with Teddy and Goodwin. Sometime in the middle of the night Ava left her bed and came and slept in between me and Sarah. Goodwin came in too.

I woke up first and stayed in bed waiting for the two of them to wake up. About fifteen minutes later Sarah wakes up.

"Good morning" Sarah says when she wakes up.

"Happy birthday" I say.

"Thank you" She says.

About five minutes later Ava wakes up and was a ball of energy from the second she woke up to the second she fell asleep.

"Hi mommy! Happy birthday!" She says.

"Thanks Ava" Sarah says.

"What are we doing today?" Ava asks me.

"I didn't tell you this because we have learned you can't keep a secret but I planned on taking you two to Disneyland" I say.

"Yeah! Let's go now!" Ava says and starts jumping on the bed.

"You have to go get dressed first" I say.

"Ok" She says and goes into her room.

So I went into Ava's room to get her dressed and Sarah got dressed in my room.

I put Ava in a Minnie Mouse shirt and pants and then she goes downstairs and eats breakfast with Sarah while I get dressed.

Once we were done getting ready we leave. Is was about a hour car ride.

Ava talked most of the time. I swear sometimes she just goes on and on because she likes hearing herself talk.

We get there and get our passes to go in. First Ava went on the dumbo ride. Today was probably going to be mostly kid rides because Ava can't get on all the rides yet

So that's pretty much how the day went. Sarah still had fun though. We left at 5 and went to a restaurant to eat. It was nice. We told them it was Sarah's birthday and they sang.

We went home and Ava fell asleep on the car ride so me and Sarah talked.

"Did you have fun?" I ask.

"Yep. Best birthday ever. Thank you" She says.

"Your welcome" I say. 

We get to my house and I get Ava from the back seat. She stayed asleep. I unlock and open the front door and we go inside.

I go into Ava's room and put her pajamas on while she was still asleep. After I put her head on her pillow and puts the covers on her. Then kiss her forehead and leave the room.

I go into the hallway and Sarah was in the bathroom. I went to my room and changed then Sarah came in.

I'm sitting on my side of the bed and she comes and sits next to me.

"Happy birthday again" I say.

"Thank you. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight" She says.

"Goodnight" I say and she rolls over on her side and faces the wall.

I stay up for a few more minutes. I was thinking about me and Sarah's relationship. I still don't understand why we sleep in the same bed but haven't had our refirst kiss.

It was like she was reading my mind or something. She sits back up and says, "Hey Peyton" to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask and she just kisses me. It was a kiss right on the lips.

"I love you" She says after.

"I love you too" I say. She gives me one more quick peck on the lips then rolls over and goes to sleep.

{This is so random but...

Kids in my school actually think that if your government fails you that you should resort to cannibalism before starting a revolution. I can't with this generation anymore 🤦‍♀️}

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