Chapter 3

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Sabrina's POV:

"I'm so happy to be back in LA" I say as me and Sarah are in my dressing room just hanging out.

"Me too" She says.

A couple seconds later someone knocks on the door. It's probably ones of the workers.

"Come in" I yell.

"Hi Miss. Carpenter" He begins. It is a worker. "The meet and greet is all ready so when you are you can go out there"

"Ok. I'll be out in a minute" I say.

"Ok" He says and closes the door.

"I'll see you in a little bit" I say to Sarah.

"Have fun" She says.

"Thanks" I say and walk out.

I go to the little section where we take pictures and everyone cheers.

I start the meet and greet and meet a bunch of fans. The parents aren't allowed to come into the booth so I didn't see any of there parents.

Then a little girl wearing a ice cream sweater and black tutu walks into the booth. She looks very familiar I just don't know where I know her from.

"Hi" I say to her and bend down to her height.

"Hi" She says and hugs me. I hug her back a little tighter then I would normally do just because I feel something between the two of us.

She looks so much like someone and then it finally hits me. It's Ava, Sarah's daughter. That's my niece.

"Can I hold you for the picture?" I ask and she nods her head. I haven't held her since she was 6 months old.

I pick her up and do a kissy face right next to her cheek so I'm almost kissing her and she does one too but she is facing the camera and the photographer takes the picture. She was adorable.

I put her down even though I just wanted to stand there holding her and talk with her forever. I ask, "What's your name?" Even though I'm pretty sure I already know who it is.

"I'm Ava" She says.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"Four and a half" She says.

"Your adorable" I say.

"Thank you" She says and gives me one more hug then she walks out of the booth.

I can't believe I just saw my niece who I haven't seen in almost 4 years.

I couldn't wait to get the meet and greet over with so I can tell Sarah.

After about another half an hour I finally met the last person.

I go back into my dressing room and Sarah and my guitarist, Caleb is in there.

"Hey guys" I say trying to sound as normal as possible even though what I'm about to tell Sarah is so big and not normal and kinda crazy.

"Hi" They both say.

"Caleb, would you mind leaving. I need to talk to Sarah about something" I say.

"No problem" He says and walks out the door and closes it behind him.

I go and sit on the couch next to her.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Well I saw Ava" I say. I don't know any good way to put 'Hey I just saw your kid that you haven't seen in 4 years'

"Ava as in like my daughter Ava?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say.

"Are you sure it was her?" She asks. She didn't believe me.

"Yeah." I say.

"Oh" Is all she said. Then she goes on her phone. She probably just want to ignore the situation.

I go on Instagram and scroll through for a little bit then check my tagged pictures.

Almost all of them were the same picture of Peyton and Ava holding hands walking through the crowd. The pic was taken from someone behind them so it was just there backs but I knew it was them. Most captions said something like 'OMG Peyton and Ava are at Sabrina's concert' or something about Sarah and Ava reconnecting.

Sarah or Peyton never really publicly said that Sarah doesn't see Ava anymore. The fans just kinda caught on by Sarah never being in LA or posting about Ava.

"Yeah it's definitely Ava" I say.

"How do you know" She asks and show her the picture.

Right away I saw tears fill into her eyes. So I just hug her. After I do she starts crying. After about 2 minutes she lets go and wipes her eyes.

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

"I don't know" She says.

"Want about I have her come on stage with us when I sing Can't Blame A Girl For Trying?" I ask.

I see her smile a little bit and she says "Yeah"

"Ok. Hold on" I say.

I text my manager, Lisa asking for her to come into my dressing room.

5 minutes later she walks in.

"Hi Sabrina. Is everything ok?" She asks and looks at Sarah then back at me. You could still tell that Sarah was crying before.

"Yeah everything's fine. We just want you to know if you can go into the crowd where everyone is waiting and find Peyton and a little girl and ask them to come back stage so she can sing Can't Blame A Girl For Trying?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just saw the picture online too. I'll be right back" She says and leaves the room.

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