Chapter 61

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Sarah's POV:   

It's the same day just a little later and we are going to the mall with Corey. I'm a little nervous. I don't know why because it's not my problem but she's my sister so that's probably why. Sabrina is a lot more nervous than me and Peyton knows nothing so he's probably just confused.

Peyton is going to meet us there after he drops Ava off at his mom's house. Corey is going to meet us there too. Then me and Sabrina are going to go together because she can't drive.

"Are you nervous?" I ask.

"Yeah but I'm just going to act normal" She says.

"Ok. When are you going to tell him?" I ask.

"You and Peyton should just disappear sometime in the middle of the day and I'll tell him then" She says.

"Ok" I say.

We arrive at the mall and Peyton was already there standing in front.

I park the car and we get out.

"Hi" I say to him.

"Hey" Sabrina says.

"Hi" Peyton says back.

We wait about 3 minutes and Corey arrive.

"Sorry I'm late. You know LA traffic" He says.

"Don't worry about it. We literally got here three minutes ago" Sabrina says.

"Ok. Good. I didn't want to keep you guys waiting" He says.

"You didn't" She says then we all walk inside. Sabrina and Corey walk in first then me and Peyton follow behind them.

"Where should we go first?" Peyton asks.

"Want to go get something to eat?" Sabrina asks.

We all agree and start walking over to the food court. We order then sit at a table for four. I sat next to Peyton then Sabrina and Corey sat across from us.

So we eat and talk a little bit. It seemed normal. We finish and I turn to Peyton and say,

"I have to go to the bathroom. Come with me"

"Um ok" He says. He was so confused.

We both stand up and start walking to the direction of the bathroom. I look back to make sure they aren't watching us. They weren't, they were just sitting talking.

I grab Peyton's hand then say, "Come with me" and make a sharp right away from the bathroom.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"I don't really have to go to the bathroom. I just said that so we could leave them alone. She has to tell him something important" I say and we continue walking.

"Is it that she's pregnant?" He asks. How does he know? This has Ava written all over it.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me right" he says.

"Who told you because it definitely wasn't me" I say.

"Ava did" He says. I knew it.

"What did you do pry it out of her?" I ask.

"No we were sitting talking and she asked me if you were pregnant. I said I hope not because if you were that means you cheated on me. I also asked why. She said you told her that when two people love each other a baby grows in the girl's stomach. Then she said she heard us say we love each other and that's how she got that idea. So I figured out you weren't pregnant which I didn't think you were. Then I asked her who else loves each other and she told me Corey and Sabrina and I asked her how does she know and she told me Sabrina is having a baby and Corey's the dad" He says.

Fate {Peyrah} (Completed) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt