Chapter 71

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Sarah's POV:

We have to redo the tour rehearsals because Sabrina can't dance a lot anymore because of the baby. We are only doing two rehearsals. The tour also go shortened because of it. Normally we do a forty city tour. This time we are only doing a twenty five city tour and it's only in the US.

So let me give you a little run through for tour rehearsals. Sabrina turns into a bossy bitch and if we don't do everything perfect the first time and how she wants it we get penalized for the rest of the day. Now that she is pregnant it will probably be ten times worse.

"Ok. Let's start. We will start with Why" Sabrina says and goes to the microphone in front.

We ran through the number and then did a few more. Sabrina thought it was really boring because she couldn't dance or jump around the stage.

"We need background dancers" Sabrina says.

"There is not enough time to get background dancers and teach them the choreography for twenty songs" Ones of her managers says.

Sabrina thinks for a minute. "I have a perfect idea. How about we have Ava do it. She doesn't actually need to do choreography and stuff. She can just come on stage with us and dance around all night" She says.

"No. Peyton will never let her do that. He already hates that she is going to be missing a week and a half of school. There is no way she is going to miss a month and a half" I say.

"You realize your her parent too and have a say on that right?" She asks.

"Yeah I do" I say.

So we run through a few more songs and then it was over. It normally takes a lot longer but since there is no dancing there wasn't really much to do.

So I pack up what I need to then walk over to the bench where all my stuff was.

I pick up my phone and I had a few texts. One was from my dad asking when we will be home. Another from my grandma saying she saw us on tv. Then the latest one was from Peyton. Here's what he wrote:

Peyton: Hey. Not sure what you are doing after tour rehearsals but Ava is at Layla and Emelia's house if you want to come over.
Me: Yeah sure. We just ended I'll be over in like twenty minutes.
Peyton: Great. See you then.

So we all leave and I drive to Peyton's house. Once I arrive I walk in.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey" Peyton says back.

We sit on the couch. We made small talk for a few minutes, mainly about Ava.

"Ok. I have a real question now" He says.

"Go for it" I say.

"After the concert, the one you met Ava at, what did you do?" He asks.

"Well before and during the concert there was a lot of guilt, nervousness and uncomfortableness. I was also a little happy too. I got to see Ava again. After, I couldn't sleep. We went back to our house after the concert and it was our first time back in about a month. I was up until like four in the morning. I couldn't stop looking at the pictures of me and Ava or Sabrina and Ava. I couldn't believe that, that just happened and that the photos were actually real and there. I was really happy I'm not gonna lie. I couldn't stop smiling. The only reason I fell asleep at four was because my phone died." I say.

"What did you think was going to happen after between you and Ava?" He asks.

"After the concert I didn't even think about it. I was still in the "I can't believe that just happened" phase. The next day I was at the store printing those pictures when the thought "When am I going to see her again" crossed my mind. At that very moment you texted and at the time I didn't realize this but now that I look back it was just a whole lot of fate" I say.

"Fate has funny ways of working" He says.

"I'm sorry I wasn't the one to come find you. You had to come find me. You shouldn't have." I say.

"I didn't do much. All I did was bring her to some concert" He says.

"It was still the start. I should have been to start the whole thing" I say.

"Ready. Here's how I look at it. See this toy?" He asks and picks up ones of Ava's little figurines.

"Yeah" I say.

"Let's say this is you and Ava's relationship." He says and puts it on the coffee table. "I did about this" He says and pushes it about a inch.

"Now you. You did this" He says and just kinda swats the thing like a bug and it went flying across the room. I started laughing. "You did that and at that speed too. Most relationships don't just happen over night. You just don't immediately grow a bond with each other." He says. "And I'd rather have it that way than having you do the first little push and me doing the rest of the work" He finishes.

"I like that" I say.

"I do too" He says.

And that was basically the rest of our day. Ava came home and I played with her a little bit and then I went home.

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