Chapter 32

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{I wrote a little murder mystery type thing. It's going to be a short story. It has Peyrah, Brabrina, Cowan, lots of kids and lots of other familiar faces. There are also a few Glee characters there as well. You can go check it out. It's called The Murder Of Oak Street}

Sarah's POV:

Me and Peyton are going on our second date tonight. I had second thoughts about it because we only went on our first one six days ago. But I'm going through with it because when we first started dating years ago we rushed it and ended up officially boyfriend and girlfriend on our 3rd date.

We decided we didn't want to go to just some restaurant. We thought that was too formal for us because we've dated before and have a kid together. We are way past the getting to know you phase. We wanted to do something fun.

We are going to go see a movie and probably get ice cream or something after.

Peyton said he would come and pick me up since Ava is going to be babysat by Sabrina again. Ava had a lot of fun last time and Sabrina did too.

At about 7 o'clock he knocks on the door. The movie doesn't start until 7:20.

I open the door and Ava walks in, "Hi mommy" She says.

"Hi" I say.

"Your going on a date again with daddy" She says.

"I know." I say.

"Hi Sarah" Peyton says.

"Hi" I say.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah. Just one minute" I say and go over to the stairs. "Sabrina, Ava's here" I yell up the stairs.

"Coming" She yells back from her room and comes downstairs. "Have fun tonight" She says.

"Thanks. See you later. Bye Ava" I say.

"Bye Ava" Peyton says.

"Bye mommy and daddy" She says and we leave.

We get in Peyton's car and drive to the movie theater.

We go inside, but tickets, get popcorn and drinks and then go to our seats. We decided on seeing a comedy. I figured that would be the best since we would hopefully laugh unless the movies sucks and isn't really funny at all.

The movie did end up being really funny. We laughed for at least 50 percent of it.

After the movie we leave the theater and walked to the nearest ice cream shop.

"Did you like the movie?" He asks as we were walking.

"Yeah. It was really funny. Did you like it?" I ask.

"Yeah" He says.

We got our ice cream and walked around the town a little bit. It was almost 10 and everything was starting to close. It was fun and kinda romantic like how dark it was. There were a few people walking around but not a lot and the street lights made everything look prettier.

We finish our ice cream and go back to my house. We go inside and Ava is still up watching tv on the couch with Sabrina.

She hears us walk in and runs over to us.

"Hi mommy and daddy" She says.

"Hi" We both say.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Peyton asks.

"She refused to go to sleep until you guys came home. I told her she just had to sit and relax" Sabrina says.

"That's alright. Ready to go?" Peyton asks.

"Yeah" She says.

We say our goodbyes and Peyton and Ava leave.

I think the date went really well and I hope we go on a third one.

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