Chapter 98

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{Another au}

No ones POV:

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Ava yells while running into the room.

"What is it princess?" Peyton asks her. Then he picks her up and puts her on his lap.

"You know Sabrina Carpenter?" She asks him.

"Yeah. How do to know her?" He asks.

"Well she's a singer and she is doing a concert in California. Can we go?" She asks.

"I'm sorry Ava but no. You'll understand when your older" Peyton says.

"But I never ask for anything like this. It's just one time." Ava says.

"Ava I said no" He says.

"Ok. Fine" Ava says then goes upstairs to her room.

Sarah's POV:

Well my little sister just had a baby. I can't believe it. She is still so young but I shouldn't be talking. I had a baby at her age too. I just don't know where that baby is right now.

Her name is Ava and she's five years old now. I haven't seen her since she was six months old and that is totally my fault. I let my issues with her dad get in the way.

So I'm babysitting the baby tonight. She is three months old now. Sabrina is going to some event thing tonight so I volunteered to babysit.

I didn't think it will be too hard. All I have to do is feed her, change her diaper and clothes then put her to bed and sit here the rest of the night.

Sabrina leaves and I get up to make the bottle. I've watched Sabrina do it so many times and I've done it myself back for my baby five years ago so I know how to.

I go over to the little seat thing and pick her up. I give her the bottle and she starts drinking right away.

I sit on the couch and feed her. I'm kinda enjoying it. I look down and realize something. I have to find Ava. I could have been doing this all along with her. I have to find her before it's too late.

Once the baby was done with the bottle I bring her upstairs. I change her and rock her to sleep like Sabrina normally does. I kinda rushed because I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the night. Finding Ava.

I go downstairs and get my phone to text ones of his close friends. I figured if anyone would know his address it would be his old I Didn't Do It costar, Piper.

We haven't talked in a few years but we still follow each other on social media and all that. I decide to call her.

"Hi Piper. It's Sarah" I say.

"Um hi Sarah" She says and sounded so confused.

"I have a weird question or it's not really that weird. Anyway, do you know Peyton's address?" I ask.

"No. He moved last year and I didn't get his new one and I don't think his old one would help for whatever you are trying to do. I can get it for you though" She says.

"Can you? That would be great!" I say.

"Yeah. I'll call him now." She says.

"Ok. Don't say anything about me asking for this" I say.

"I won't. Bye. It was nice talking to you" She says.

"Bye. You too" I say and hang up.

She was probably so confused.

About 10 minutes later I get a text from her.

Piper: Hey. So I got his address. I told him I'm going to send him pictures from on set of the show and I needed his address so now I need to start digging for behind the scenes pics. You probably don't care so his address is.... {Pretend there is a address there}

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