Note 2- THANK YOU, disclaimer

117 2 2

Need to stuff a second note here somewhere or the "1" after the first wouldn't make sense.

I heard that old-time novels end at 60. Let me get this straight: This is so happening. Yes I know, it's getting a bit lame because I'm watching 2 Broke Girls (And by now there'd be laughter, yes), but you know, they all got over it, and they're alive, and everyone's happy and it turned out that everyone's gay, and no-one is the antagonist (Who took a part), so we're all good.

By the way I need to thank some huge people who (Or is it whom? *laughter* *cough* Sorry I like 2 Broke Girls and I would live like Max... If I could) without them I could never had the courage to finish the whole damn thing. *cough* Excuse my Chinese. 不好意思。。

@PhantasmLuminous you rock girl.

@Qaida01 I know how awesome you are, don't talk.

@IsabelleLoveYou the world is cute.

@budgerigah if you are up to here, good for you. -_- We've been expecting you.

So that's basically it, isn't it? How sad. Well tell me what you're thinking about the whole thing by the way!! And I'm new to gangs and stuff, so yeah.

Oh and the one who made all these happen!!

@silentDreamglass I wish you would read this :D

'K. We're getting to an end but I'm thinking about a surprise. ~❤

-Abster.2014.4.25 Today's ANZAC Day by the way. Go look it up if you don't know it. And I'm a big fan of Band of Brothers. And DON'T SPOIL IT I hadn't finish it!! (Shame. *tusk tusk*)

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