Chapter 38

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"So this is it." I stretched a bit after stepping off the black sedan, "Nice."

"Not mine." Syn warned and gestured toward some people who were standing about twenty metres away, "Look at them."

They all had tattoos for one thing, and one thing I disliked. What was good about those stuff anyway? I grumbled as my eyes were on auto-pilot: they were wearing tight, black outfits that were good for moving, murdering and so on. That was not a good sign. Okay. There were about seven or eight of them standing around and chatting, about three or four that were experienced.

"The Mute Moon?" I took a wild guess.

"Probably. Now I've talked to your boss." He said, phone in hand and texting, talking to me at the same time as we started to the glass doors, the car of his driven away by his driver, "He said we're cool as long as we don't slaughter you."

Well, at least that was a relief before tension- kind of feeling like the peaceful before thunderstorm. Hmm. Bad thought, put it away. My brain ordered. "Eli and your boss should be in there somewhere. Don't tarnish the name of the Fallen and the Inevitable. Go."

"Okay. Don't get killed." I said as I waved and left him who was holding the set of doors open for me and threw him a kiss. I turned my head around and spotted Eli and Fallen in a corner...


"Amber." He said, not pleased, "Great timing."

"Thanks." I said.

Eli broke in as if he wasn't in the scene, "So everyone's here. I know we didn't tell you about how many groups would be here but I believe you have prepared for more than a... Small meeting."

"Yes, Syn told me." I glanced at them. Since when Eli started to talk like as if they were one person? "So we and the Inevitable are cool?"

"Yep." John's back was against the wall like it usually would be to ensure that no-one would shoot him from behind, "As long as we don't slaughter each other. They were swallowing up small groups, not us. And for one teeny bit of extra information, those people from the Shining Stars were spying on us, but we don't know who for yet. Last night you missed all the fun."

I was about to protest when Eli interrupted, "Yes, we've heard. Apparently those people sneaked into some other high commanders' offices and glanced at their documents. We caught them but they won't say anything."

Well, that was weird. So Titian Cam was still nowhere to be seen, and his friends were somewhere or other in this party... Sort of looking thing? And now those guys were spying... Ha! I saw that one coming! ...Wait no actually, Syn saw that one coming. Nevertheless. I was about to ask more when the huge set of doors opened at one side of the hall and the scattered suited people washed in like waves. I followed behind Eli and Fallen.

There were several long dining tables with fancy flowers in the middle- I was just thinking how much they would be wasted if this whole thing was turned into a big, bloody battle when I noticed that there were little cute name tags on the plates of the seats.

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